Things you hate that everyone else likes


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Whoops. I meant receiving less than an A on a report card. xD I probably wanted to write I hate getting Bs or lower, but stuck a less in there. Oh well.
LOL, samee... xD

Make-up, Twilight, Jonas Bros., Swearing, Texting, Rap, so much more... .3.
i so agree with you on the makeup issue. it's so stupid for 12-15 year olds to wear makeup unless they really need to, but typically you don't need to until you're about 20. and plus, wearing mascara if you don't need it only makes your eyelashes look lumpy and gross. XP i'm rebelling against makeup along with some of my friends.

Make-up, Twilight, Jonas Bros., Swearing, Texting, Rap, so much more... .3.
i so agree with you on the makeup issue. it's so stupid for 12-15 year olds to wear makeup unless they really need to, but typically you don't need to until you're about 20. and plus, wearing mascara if you don't need it only makes your eyelashes look lumpy and gross. XP i'm rebelling against makeup along with some of my friends.

Lol, it's ironic because everyone hates iCarly here.

The word "bra" and new rap music.

Okay, I'm just gonna make a good long list. Some of these have probably been mentioned on my first post, but whatever:

Justin Bieber - I’m not sure if I even spelt his name right. I can sort of understand why girls like him so much but I personally prefer male singers who sound like, I dunno, MALES? And him being young isn’t much of an excuse, most of the boys in my year are thirteen or fourteen and voice wise, they’re well into puberty. Justin’s gonna loose everything once his voice starts breaking. Seriously.

Twilight - I could write a good long review about why I don’t like the series or the movies, and I actually have at school. I’m not a fan of romance, sparkling, stalkers or Mary Sues/Gary Stus, thanks.

iCarly - ‘nuff said. Most people I’ve met on teh interwebz hate it, but IRL it’s all, “ZOMG IT’S SOOOO GOOD AND FUNNY!!!”

Wizards of Waverly Place - Bad acting, bad special effects, bad messages...Seriously Disney Channel, you’re freaking billionaires, couldn’t you afford to make something maybe a little better?!

Basically all the other crap that Disney conjured up since Walt Disney himself died.

Crisps - There’s only one type of crisps I like, and that’s the cheapskate crisps Krunchie Sticks. I find the other types pretty bland, tasteless and generally boring.

Bebo - I got so sick of it I deleted my account.

Facebook - I only go on it to join groups, I find the rest of the site boring. I’m thinking of deactivating my account, but I’m not sure.

Kiki’s Delivery Service - That film was just horrible. I really expected more from Studio Ghibli, especially since it got such great reviews. After I watched it I went onto Amazon, ‘cause usually the cynical people there who write the lulzy 1 star reviews think about me but nup, apart from a couple of n00bs everyone freaking LOVED it.

Reality TV - Srsly pplz. SRSLY.

Short Stack - Please don’t shoot me. I’ll admit, Sweet December is quite catchy but the rest of the songs I’ve listened to are like, mehish. Darling I’ll be Your Werewolf was just awful. No offence (that still makes it offensive, but meh) but it sounded a bit like a teenager in their bedroom taking the p***

Gaia Online - Boring.

Dating - I’m fourteen freaking years old, I’m hardly going to meet “the one” at my age. Yes, I know dating is just for fun. I just find it pointless.

Texting - It’s okay when it’s necessary, but it takes too long.

D*mn, G2G now. I might add more to the list later.

i so agree with you on the makeup issue. it's so stupid for 12-15 year olds to wear makeup unless they really need to, but typically you don't need to until you're about 20. and plus, wearing mascara if you don't need it only makes your eyelashes look lumpy and gross. XP i'm rebelling against makeup along with some of my friends.
It disturbs me that more research goes into making new mascara than making cures for cancer...

Oh, yes. Swearing is another one. I never swear, but everywhere at school, you'd hear "F this, F that" etc.

Harry Potter.

Jusin Bieber.


Disney. ('Stars', Fail singers, Shows, everything)



N00b talk.


Being Orange.

Degrassi. Mainly because my mother won't let me watch it. :(

I don't know why everyone is saying Miley Cyrus, I don't know a single person who likes her! XD I guess I'm lucky.


Jonas Brothers

Justin Bieber

Mirror pictures (unless you find some way to make it look cool...)




Word of Warcraft

Wearing short shorts


Hetalia (I don't exactly HATE it, but I don't like it much and I definitely don't see the appeal... Almost every single one of my friends is obsessed with it)

Fall Out Boy (save for one song)

99% of shoujo manga/anime (I like manga, but there are so many bad ones, no wonder some people think it's stupid...)

90% of yaoi manga/anime



Ugg boots with shorts

Sweat pants (especially with ugg boots)

Taylor Lautner




Traveling (my mom is obsessed with it :angry: ' ugh)


South Park


Wearing so much mascara your eyelashes look like crusty, clumpy bushes



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It doesn't even seem like Justin Bieber is a valid answer because a lot of people hate him apparently.





Dating at young ages


Smothering yourself in make-up


Almost all of my classmates said Sharks are really cool and that's their favorite animal. Even my sister. xD

Chain Messages.

My classmates are doing chain messages. They even send me so many chain messages. They said they enjoy chain messages. ><

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Oh, yeah. Swearing.

I don't mind it if you're trying to get your point across, but some people just drive me crazy. "Hey! How the **** are ya?!" Get real...

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