Thirteen candles.


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Well-known member
Feb 15, 2009
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That place with the stuff, and the other stuff.
My birthday is in two days, March 28th. I'm turning thirteen. [ Yes. I am twelve. Shocking. ]

I'm not very excited. I didn't even know this until about ten days ago when my mom told me. Then I forgot again until just yesterday, when my friend told me. I needed to make this topic in advance because I'll forget tomorrow, and on the actual day my friend will probably drag me somewhere and I won't have time. I actually dread my birthday. I have no idea why, but I do. It just kind of sucks for me.

Well yeah, I needed to make this topic, because nobody is allowed to wish me happy birthday outside of it. I do not want to be reminded daily that one more year of my life is gone, and I'm starting to grow up, which is very, very, bad.

Hapy Birthday, my dear Feebee.

I hope you get everything that you wish for :3

[Thats all my morning mind can think of D:]

Don't worry FeeBers. We all age. And we will all be young at heart. Escpesially you!!! Don't worry about B-days. You got your whole life ahead of you. You shouldn't be hating your B-day until you 30 years old. ;D

Feebee. I am already thirteen. I still scream loudly while running through supermarkets and listen to my iTouch way too loud while trying to roll down muddy hills wrapped in bubble wrap. (It's a long story, but true.)

So happy birthday. And enjoy thirteen years of being Phoebe. I love you. <33

Well butter my butt and call me a biscuit! (Sorry, southern moment)

C'mon Feebs. I'm 13, I act like I'm 9 in real life. You don't have to grow up if you don't want to. In your mind! My 17 year old cousin is just as crazy as me. x3 And so is Esther, and Ksenia, and Michelle, and everyone else who acts young and just lives to have fun. <3

Happy Birthday, and enjoy it to the mostest~

Aww, you guys <3
Oh my god, I'm not allowed to eat off of kid's menus anymore Dx Oh well. I can always steal food off Andie's plate.

Another reason I don't like birthdays is because everyone makes such a big deal out of it. Blahhh.
Oh, that will not be an issue. I don't eat that much at restaurants. And when I do, it's totally unhealthy. Me and my friends went out for a meal about a week ago, and I had a Kids meal. Guess what? It was for 10 years and under. xD

I was planning on actually giving you this ON your birthday, but now will work, I s'ppose. ;3

Sorry, I filmed it before knowing you didn't really want any birthday celebration-ness. D; But I figured you may enjoy it anyway.

Really? I love my birthday. I always feel so special, and it means I'm one year older. I'm not in any hurry to die, but I'm ready to move on and see the world. I'm ready to grasp my future by the reigns.

And don't worry about the kids-menu thing. I still eat off the children's menu frequently. Even my mom does. xD

So here's your present. I love you. <3

(If it's not showing up right this second, give it about five minutes to finish processing. ;D )


^ It showed up? 8D

It wasn't for me just a minute ago. I was getting worried something was wrong. -kicks computer-

Yay! I'm glad. I was worried you'd be upset about it, being you don't care much for your birthday.

I love youu! Glad you liked it! <3


^ I'm so glad! <3

See? This is what I'm talking about. I had to write a five paragraph essay in 45 minutes today, for a PRACTICE PSSA. D; The prompt? Why should people be generous? (What kind of WTF promt is that? D8) One of my reasons to be generous was, "Generosity not only brightens other peoples' days, but it also can brighten your own." I mean by giving, you are also making yourself happy.

Why am I blah-ing about all of that? Because I'm ecstatic that you're so happy. c:

You have no idea how happy I am for making you happy ~~ (If that makes any sense xD)

^ I'm so glad! <3
See? This is what I'm talking about. I had to write a five paragraph essay in 45 minutes today, for a PRACTICE PSSA. D; The prompt? Why should people be generous? (What kind of WTF promt is that? D8) One of my reasons to be generous was, "Generosity not only brightens other peoples' days, but it also can brighten your own." I mean by giving, you are also making yourself happy.

Why am I blah-ing about all of that? Because I'm ecstatic that you're so happy. c:

You have no idea how happy I am for making you happy ~~ (If that makes any sense xD)
Lol. I love you, Katie. And I love everybody else <3 You people are so awesome. I don't know what I'd do without any true friends x3

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