this is a riddle contest!


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B) Here is my riddle it tells your pesinalitylol :p :D You are on a rocket that is leaving earth ,because it's about to explode ,and there is one space left,but there are three people.A sick old lady that is going to die :eek: A friend who saved your life,and the girl of your dreams {by the way earth is going to explode in 2 secconds} :eek: :D :D :ph34r: :ichigotchi: :ichigotchi:
To tamafox's: If the earth is exploding and you are on a rocket leaving it, why would it matter? And I would choose the friend because 1) I am a girl, and even if it was a boy I couldn't be with him, I would die and 2) The old lady would die anyways :D

Okay, here's mine:

There are two towns (We'll call them A and B.) Between A and B is a long bridge. There is a gate at A and guards... well, guarding the gate. If they see anyone going from A to B and vice versa, they say "Turn around and go back." The guards' shifts are 15 minutes long and it takes 5 minutes for them to switch. The bridge is over a canyon, so they can't "Swim across." How will someone from A go to B and vice versa?

Hint: It's not "They will cross on the 5 minute break..." It's a bit harder than that :ichigotchi: If they started at the 5 minute break, they would only be near the town, and the guard would tell them to go back. But the underlined sentence was a big hint...


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A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?

He did as he was told. he wrote down "your exact weight" on a piece of paper.

They would act like a gaurd Tamakitty710 and for Tamafox, I say , why jump, you would die either way but if I had to do it wihout the earth exploding in 2 seconds, I would send the person who saved my life, so I can save theirs in return.

A boy was at a carnival and went to a booth where a man said to the boy, "If I write your exact weight on this piece of paper then you have to give me $50, but if I cannot, I will pay you $50." The boy looked around and saw no scale so he agrees, thinking no matter what the carny writes he'll just say he weighs more or less. In the end the boy ended up paying the man $50. How did the man win the bet?


I say he charged the boy $50 to play! :)

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They would act like a gaurd Tamakitty710 and for Tamafox, I say , why jump, you would die either way but if I had to do it wihout the earth exploding in 2 seconds, I would send the person who saved my life, so I can save theirs in return.
Nope, I forgot one thing!

The guards are on a tower, so no one could act like a guard.

They killed the gaurds!BY HITTING THEM WITH FROZEN SOILT SQUIRRELS!XDummmm, I give up?
LOL! I'll just let other people guess :D You can PM me for the answer if you want, though.

here is a very hard riddle!!

there are 4 bottles of pills. One of them has posined pills. The weight of a normal pill is 1.0 gram. the weight of a posined pill is 1.1 gram. there is a scale but you are only aloud to use it once. how do you do this?

this is hard!!!


here is a very hard riddle!!
there are 4 bottles of pills. One of them has posined pills. The weight of a normal pill is 1.0 gram. the weight of a posined pill is 1.1 gram. there is a scale but you are only aloud to use it once. how do you do this?

this is hard!!!

You put all 4 pills on and the scale should read 4.1.

Take a pill off.

If it reads 3.1, the poisoned pill is still on.

Take another pill off.

If it reads 2.1, the poisoned pill is still on.

Lets say the first time you take a pill off, it reads 3.0. The one yo ujust pulled off is the posioned pill.

Gah! Just tell us x]
Here's one:

If a man goes to the pet shop and buys a dog and names her Sherly if the man never fed him then how did he surive? PS: No one else could feed him

The dog is a girl, not a boy so as long as the owner takes good care of her she will keep living :mametchi:

No one answered my town riddle! I'll just tell you the answer.

On the 5 minute thing, they get close to the town. Before the guard sees, they start walking the opposite direction (if they're walking towards A from B, they will turn and walk towards B) . The guard will say "Turn and go back" and they will turn around and go to town A. Tricky! :hitodetchi:


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