this is for admin and ppl who care.....


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Please tell us!

I think we have a right to know

at least tell us you gender PLEASE!!!!!!

:p :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi: :hitodetchi: :huh: B) B)

I think Admin is a he. Admin sounds like a boy name... (no affence, Admin, if you are a girl).

it is a 50/50 chance he-she is a girl or a boy!!

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I think Admin is a he. Admin sounds like a boy name... (no affence, Admin, if you are a girl).

it is a 50/50 chance he-she is a girl or a boy!!
Admin it's not his/she's name. It's short for Adminster.

Its actually short for Administrator. ;)

Where do you all think Admin is from, origionally?.. Do you think (s)he is from US or do you think (s)he is from somewhere else origionally?


Its actually short for Administrator. ;)
Where do you all think Admin is from, origionally?.. Do you think (s)he is from US or do you think (s)he is from somewhere else origionally?

I for got to spell it. Sorry.... Ummmmm.......I think (s)he is from the U.S..

I have to agree w/ u Newbiekidlex. I think Admin is 16-24 or something like that and is a girl...lots of Tama fans are girls
Word to pippa: Is all that true?? :eek:
True, but there are lots of guy Tamagotchi fans too. ;) Especially from the old '97 Tamas for some reason. I have noticed there are more girls into them these days...whatever. :) I think Admin is probablly a guy between the ages of 18 and 30...but I'm just guessing. :lol:



I've seen the clues the admin laid out for us,but i'm not guessing.

This clue I have might be right or wrong,but i'm just trying to help.

The clue:I spy a doctored photo.

i know for a FACT that Admin is 100! Just look at Admin's profile! Born in 1901! DUH!

I think admin is a boy first time I heard from him I got a male vibe

But I dont think hes 100 yet I just think Hes in his 20-30(Just trying to hide his age)

i think she/he has the right to not tell anyone ifshe /he does not want to

U the what's the funny thing? I had a dream about Admin and that I know him,so I ask him what's his age/name/gender is. It was soo cool in my dream! To bad it wasn't real though....

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