This offend's me!


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i'm sorry but what they did was wrong!!!! who would do something like that?! i don't care if somebody doesn't like it. just because they don't like it doesn't mean they should disrespect bandi and all tama luverz! :lol:

Yes, that is very immature to:

1. Waste money to blow something up.

2. Risk a fire or a serious injury in doing so.

3. Disrespecting other people who like Tamagotchis, especially the creators. Think how they would feel!

4. Pointlessly blow it up, no gain for themselves, but it will offend other people.

5. Blow it up just because they don't like it. If they don't like it, then why bother, because those irrespnsible actions just might come and bite them in the tail!

6. It's not cool to do that. Tamagotchis never did anything to them, and they are just a toy. Why do something like that?


Instead of being offended, I just feel sorry for them. Sure, it is mean, but someone like that, trying to make people feel bad is not anything to get worked up about. That's what they want, isn't it? Plus that Tamagotchi wasn't born yet, so it wouldn't suffer any pain. And yes, I do think that way.

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Some people would find it funny,but others wouldn't.I think that if they really didn't like their tamas,they should of disposed of it better,but thats just me.But that video is kinda funny,lol.

I think it is wrong, but I have to admit, the video WAS kinda funny... I liked the part where it ACTUALLY blew up. But it's dangerous, wastes money, smells bad, and pointless. It's also mean (in a way) to Bandai. They spend so much money making these things, and then people just carelessly set them on fire. Oh well.... We couldn't stop them, could we? And think about it... It's just a toy.

I was looking through and found a very offensive video about tamagotchi's.
Tamagotchi Explode

It shows two kids (think there kids anyways) setting there tama on fire and watching as it EXPLODES!!!!!!! I mean come on!

(if your tama is watching make sure to hide them from the screen so they don't get offended also)
Im goina try that it looks fun, But with a barbie!

Yes, tamagotchis are toys and I don't see this as offensive. What I do see here is a bucket load of stupid.
1) Some kid thinks it is great fun to burn toys..sorry but I don't quite remember the last time I went and burned my swing set, soft toys or board games because I wasn't interested anymore. Kids who act out destructively towards certain types of toys e.g. barbies and tamagotchis are usually doing it because it is "cool" to hate the toy and are making a statement rather than discarding the object. Was it necessary to burn the toy? No. Could they have just thrown it out? Yes.. or better yet they could have given it to a 2nd hand shop for another kid.

2) Great piece of genius decides to set fire to the tamagotchi inside the house in a plastic rubbish bin. The smart kid tries to take it outside only to be told to leave it because it far more "cool" to film it. What happened if the things got out of control? It can gaurantee it wouldn't be so funny then! Just because a battery is dead, does not mean it isn't flammable. In this case he is bloody lucky that thing was in the bin and didn't explode openly into his room possibly setting the lot of fire not to mention increasing the risk of blast injuries and burns.

Forget that it is a toy, it is an outrightly stupid, dangerous stunt without purpose which shouldn't be encouraged or supported.
Well said Bell sprout!


No words can explain that video. Okay, they could of kill there selves. (and waste 15 bucks...................) That was not funny they could of burned that house down. No telling what could happen. That is a electrial toy. Did you see when that tamagotchi pop. They got scared. Hey! I have that desgin to, I have a v3 and a v4. Okay those teens really have nothing to do. I don't think that as funny. That was crazy. I aint callin 911. They could of burned that house down. Cause' my parents electrial cord burned the whole house down. Just like Bell-Sprout said :angry: That was immature. I think they was trying to get attention. Well, where are the parents?? There probably like 18 or 19. People are taking the time, love, and patients to make this valueable creation. It took these creators months or years to create this. There's a thousand other things you can do to have fun. That battery probably had acid in it. That could probably set off a electrial-fire. (It can not be stopped by water) If you didn't like buss it on the ground. Don't set it on fire. Some teens are some-what like "stupid". Not being brutal and mean but that is the truth. "It's all over untill somebody spills the mayonnese". This is a example of what you call "Peer Pressure" or they think there bad in a cool way. That could of burned the whole neighborhood. DID YOU KNOW THAT: One match can make a forrest fire. Imagine what that could of did. Did they even know that that plastic burns really bad.

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They're just a bunch of seriously bored people who have nothing better to do with thier lives. I mean really...

JUST GIVE IT AWAY OR BUY NEW BATTERIES. they're doing it just to destroy it. i feel so sick. and they're teenagers. some of us kids really care about these pets and there are kids who are BURNING them. this is so not cool.


See they could of hurted the BAN-DAI company feelings. It's not that it's non-living. WHO CARE IF it's not living. It's that they could of burned paper or something. There running out-of-stock at stores because of these KIDS.

Thanks :) I'm not saying there's a law about tamagotchi's but they could of did something better with it :D

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hey that was really funny nothing else i wish i thought about doing that with my old tamagotchi when it broke :)

Come on. it's not like the tamagotchi is a living, breathing animal.
Ok, those kids think they are so cool. BUT THEY ARE THE EXACT OPPISITE! My lord. Why would ANYONE want to do that? I would NEVER EVER NEVER do that. That poor tamagotchi. My tama got offened by that. Besides, even if they aren't living, they still shouldn't be burnt.


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