This offend's me!


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Well-known member
Jul 20, 2004
Reaction score
Michigan City, IN 46360
I was looking through and found a very offensive video about tamagotchi's.

Tamagotchi Explode

It shows two kids (think there kids anyways) setting there tama on fire and watching as it EXPLODES!!!!!!! I mean come on!

(if your tama is watching make sure to hide them from the screen so they don't get offended also)

hey, some of us do think of them as living breathing things (i know i do at least...) and besides would you try something like this?

hey, some of us do think of them as living breathing things (i know i do at least...) and besides would you try something like this?
No, but that doesn't mean I'm against it. :3

well maybe you think its a living breathing thing but other people think its a virtual thing. its nice of you to care and all but everyone thinks differently and has different opinions. maybe these kids just dont like tamagotchis so i wouldnt get to worked up about it.

Well, everybody isn't going to like Tamagotchis.

You just have to face it. Anyways, that video is pretty stupid

and kinda funny at the same time. Why didn't they just sell it?!

Well, everybody isn't going to like Tamagotchis.You just have to face it. Anyways, that video is pretty stupid

and kinda funny at the same time. Why didn't they just sell it?!
yeah,thats just a waste of their money,or they could have stolen it

Oh that is a sad video. It's so sad that they're burning up an Entama, I mean why don't they just sell it? I would LOVE an Entama.

*Holds tamagotchi close* That reminds me of how my father threatened to set my tama on fire if I didn't start acting more like an adult! Thats sick and demented! Who could hurt the tama that they raised from a baby? I know I'm very protective of my tama and keep it with me when ever I can.

BTW that was a V3.

Whaaaahh!! I couldn't watch all of it. It was too sad. I stopped it midway. It's so sad.. :D :( :( :( Sorry I'm just too miserable.. My head hurts now.


PS. Whaaaah!!

XD That's AWESOME! I never thought a tama would explode X3 I figured it'd just melt lol

I don't see how that could be offending. They're toys. It's not like they're lighting a cat or dog on fire xP

Well, everybody isn't going to like Tamagotchis.You just have to face it. Anyways, that video is pretty stupid

and kinda funny at the same time. Why didn't they just sell it?!
Because lighting things on fire is so much more fun lol

I don't believe it's any more of a waste of money than fireworks are. Each year people spend thousands of dollars just to blow them up. Why not blow up other things as well? XD They're not that expensive.

Because lighting things on fire is so much more fun lol
I don't believe it's any more of a waste of money than fireworks are. Each year people spend thousands of dollars just to blow them up. Why not blow up other things as well? XD They're not that expensive.
True! :D

Its plastic and pixals c'mon
so what if its plastic and pixels its so cruel and offending and hurtful! I agree with Save_Tamagotchis except my parents like tamagotchis (well they don't really play with them they just think they're kinda cute lol) and I am so offended!!! why would someone do that? and yeah, why don't they just sell it? Besides its dangerous to play with fire. o_O I'm glad my tamas didn't see that.


kuchipatchiluver :D :( :(

I wish I see that in person. I wouldn't ever do that to my own tamagotchi, but it looked pretty cool!

Oh come on guys! Yes, it's not safe...but it's just a plastic toy!

I've seen this video before on a seperate topic, and I said almost the same thing. And I laughed! Gte a sense of humor. They are toys. If they get caught on fire, do they care?


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i forgot to say that it seemed so long and it was so sad and offending that i had to fast forward the video a bit.


kuchipatchiluver :) :lol: :wub:

C'mon! Get a sense of humour.. It's rather amusing. Many others have pointed it. They are just toys, not real or offending.

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