Tree huggers talk


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Well-known member
May 31, 2008
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I wont say
Here,you talk all about the enviorment.This is for tre huggers ONLy.I don't need to see SPAm about how you like killing trees.Capeesh?


I love trees.Read my siggy and see what I think.

Um...I'm not a tree hugger. In fact, I'm everything but. ._.

I'm not necessarily a tree hugger, but I do care about the environment.

I find it annoying how my parents say that they don't have time to recycle.. Especially because my Dad teaches people about Waste Management.. Talk about hypocritical -.-

So yeah, I care about the environment.. It's important. I just don't understand how people can be delouded enough to continue cutting down vast amounts of trees (often illegally) when there's so much news about it.

I have to admit, I am a bit of a tree hugger. I think every time some one cuts down a tree, they should plant one, if not two more to replace it. And get rid of the stumps, because they take up space where new trees could be growing.

I have to admit, I am a bit of a tree hugger. I think every time some one cuts down a tree, they should plant one, if not two more to replace it. And get rid of the stumps, because they take up space where new trees could be growing.
I like your idea about planting new trees each time one is cut.

But removing stumps is harder than it sounds. Roots are LOOONG, and removing stumps = machines. Machines = gas and gas=pollution.

I like your idea about planting new trees each time one is cut.
But removing stumps is harder than it sounds. Roots are LOOONG, and removing stumps = machines. Machines = gas and gas=pollution.
Dang it >.> (about the stumps)

Isn't there a rule saying there can't be clubs that can only have certain people or something? :lol:

I'm not sure, so no flaming Please!

I kind of care, I'm currently recycling...but kind of [SIZE=7pt]for the money.[/SIZE] >3>

Its a start though right! ^_^

At home, I wanted to listen to that saying, 'If its yellow, let it mellow.If its brown flush it down.'

To like save water, but then my parents didn't like the idea since 'it would be nasty, and start smelling, and BLAH BLAH BLAH. >_>


P.S. Does anyone listen to that saying? :3)

[SIZE=7pt]^ I've heard of that saying. I don't do it though ^_^ [/SIZE]

And no, I'm not really a tree hugger.

^She said that noone should say that sort of thing

Did you know, Every year, an area the size of wales in forests is cut down?

I find that sad. Save the planet!!!!! <(0o0)>

I'm a tree hugger. I started a recycling thing at my school, helped pick up trash off our playground, and make posters around school saying Recycle! or Save the Environment! I like to encourage others to start recycling as well and being an everyday Environmentalist.


I'm not a tree hugger.

I actually kind of thought that was an insult for someone who cared about the environment too much.

-leaves topic-

I hug trees in the literal sense, but that doesn't stop me from tearing up paper when I'm bored.

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