Twilight by Stephenie Meyer


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I thought it had an interesting plot. The characters themselves bothered me sometimes, or how they were written out, and I really lost interest after reading New Moon. Just, eh.. After being drowned in Jacob and then Bella's pity parade, I think I died a little inside page by page. Just my opinion, though.

It also might be that I'm tired of hearing girls, even my own friends, yelling, "OMGZ, Edward's miiiine!" I've frankly told them to stop it, find a quiet spot, and calm down before they try to talk to anybody again. Fangirls can be fangirls in their own hostile environment. Not mine.

Oh man.

I started reading it almost a year ago but stopped because I thought it was progressing amazingly slow. Then I started reading it again because my friend was (and she liked it) and I thought hey, I'm a bit older, my tastes have changed maybe I'll like it now?

Guess what... I didn't. I'm still trying to finish it though, but it's still boring and I really hate Bella. Edward is not much better. His fangirls are scary. And even more scary is the fact that my friend used to be a fangirl of him! o.o thank God she stopped...

and this doesn't have to do with the rest of my post, but the Twilight movie is coming out on my mom's birthday XD! I'm glad it's not on mine!

OMG i can't believe u guys don't like twilight twilight is awesome i just don't have any words ^_^

OMG i can't believe u guys don't like twilight twilight is awesome i just don't have any words :wacko:
Not everyone likes the same thing ;) I like the Warriors, and some people say that it sucks. Everyone has their own opinion ;D

My Mother just finished it in two days, so It must have been pretty good.

Im reading that when I am done with my 10 book Clique series. Currently on Book Number~: 5 D:

At first, I liked it, but now it has kind of murdered my interest in vampires. D= I mean, Bella is utterly pathetic and every minute is just talking about Edward's "beauty". Five guys like Bella just after she moves in. How is that possible? Bella falls in love with Edward's impossible beauty after knowing him for like, three hours. And he sparkles. I repeat, sparkles. I find it disgusting how everybody's so infatuated over some fictional vampire. Lots of people I know absolutely love the series.
Honestly, I think picking up the book was a waste of time.

Self:.:pity...I think I've fallen in love with you. Sweet Kandi and princess08, I agree. "Bestselling" is about quantity, not quality. (And please do not make remarks that I am a hypocrite about my avatar and New Moon, I just like the picture. xD)
If it makes you feel any better, I love you too~

I mean, really- So what, one person on the good side lives? And its not even a major character?

Whats the fun in that?

This book is what it is- a Fan Fiction. But in the case of the writer.

No, really- SM actually said she wanted to be Bella.

you know how incredibly stupid that is?

you dont make a character to be your fancy. You dont make a character and plot out of what you always wanted in life but never got.

Ok, I wanna know what this book is coz my friend wants to marry edward... and become a vampire...

I started reading Twilight a few days ago. I'm on page 260. I have to say it is very loooooong interesting. I thoroughly enjoyed it so far. I'm looking foward to finishing this one and moving on to the next book in the series.

I bought it a week and a half ago out of curiosity. I had heard some good things about it.

I finished this past weekend and am onto New Moon.

I think the books are great. And being a fan of Harry Potter aswell, I find the Twilight series slightly easier to relate to. The school, relationship, those kinds of parts. Not the vampire parts. xD



Seriously. Those books rock my socks.

I'm currently reading "New Moon". It is love. <3

Twilight is alright.

I don't care for Bella and Edward at all. From my eyes they are just disgustingly horrible mary sue characters. Nothing more, but possibly less. Amen.

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My enthusiasm was kinda destroyed after the 4th book. D; and after re-reading..

Honestly the characters are so shallow. >..>

My friend's dragging me to see the movie. =/

It looked like an epic fail from the trailers... O-o

Edward is being completely retarded in the second book. >.< I won't spoil it for anyone....but, errrr! He's making me so flippin' mad.

Bella sometimes annoys me, but other then that, I love Twilight.

(sorry I gotta have my Twilight moment) OMG TWILIGHT IS TEH BEST BOOK EVAR! ok, that out of my system, I thought it was good, but New Moon bored me out of my skull... but I would say , READ TWILIGHT! ^^

i hate that book!

it ruined my school!

like, every girl, except me and a few others, are stupid Twilight fan girls.

And now everyone is obsessed with it, and like, everyone keeps calling me a vampire and begging me to bite them.


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