Type Advantage


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Well-known member
Dec 25, 2010
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New Zealand
You are part of Type Advantage, a unique group of elite pokemon trainers. They each specialize in two types of pokemon, but they do have acceptions. They are feild agents in a way, but don't really take it too seriously. You've been sent to Sinnoh, good luck.


- No Mary Sues, Gary Stus.

- Everyone's 16.

- I've decided there can be double-ups in the typings. But not the exact same.

- I am thee almighty ruler of this Role Play, However; I may have someone take over if I'm away.

- You must be accepted to start.

- Max two pokemon that aren't of your choosen types.

- No legends, but you can befriend them.

FORM & OCC --> https://www.tamatalk.com/IB/topic/178209-type-advantage-forms-occ/

Sarah groaned. "Aww, c'mon! How long does it take 'till this plane reaches Sinnoh? I'm tempted to fly soon." A calm voice answered her. "Not, long." The voice annoyed Sarah. "Not long." She mimiced the voice and groaned.

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"WARNING! WARNING!! WE ARE GOING TO HAVE TO DO A CRASH LANDING! SYSTEM ERROR!!!" An electronic voice boomed. A flash of a Scarmory's wing and a messenger bag caught Sarah's eye.

Celia had been woken from her sleep as the voice boomed through the plane. "Oh you have got to be kidding me." Slight panic could be heard in her voice as she pulled out a pokeball. "This is a stupid idea."

"Dree." Sarah let the pokemon out. "Celia! I think someone has cut off the power! And they have a Scarmory." Sarah stopped. "Do I sound like a Mary Sue or what?" Sarah said forgetting the fact that she was in a life threating situation.

Celia needed to think of something fast. She took out another pokeball. "Lexi." She said as the pokemon came out and stood ready, stumbling a little though. "Alright then, uh, well, we should probably get the power going again first, somehow, then deal with whoever's out there if we can." She suggested, hoping she made sense.

Although Blitz had been sleeping peacefully, he was now awake. What the heck? Why was the plane crashing? Removing his eyemask, he glanced around. It appeared the lights had gone out in the cabin. He looked ahead, and noticed the lights in first class had gone out too. "Huh. Looks like the power went out too. Well, at least it's easier for me to sleep now." He went ahead and put his eyemask back on.

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"Yeah. Storm, go!" She sent out her Shiny Luxio, who greeted Lexi. "So we're using spark, right, Celia?" She asked, returning Dree into her pokeball.

Ignore this post. *Uses word comofluge technique*

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Celia nodded while Lexi greeted Strom as she was sent out. "Yeah, we need to find the power source and quick." She looked outside the closest window and saw the Skarmory fly past. "I think we should see if we can send out our flying pokemon to deal with the Skarmory, they'd be fine on their own, I'm sure."

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Although he tried to sleep, Blitz found it hard since the other people on the plane were talking. A little annoyed, he took his eyemask off, and then poked Kicks, who was sitting next to him. "Kicks, go find out who the heck is talking and give them something to remember." Kicks nodded, and jumped off the seat, using a little spark of electricity to see his way.

Got to go. :(

"You two, get that Scarmory!" The pokemon flew away. "Hey! A Pichu! It's so cute" She she picks up Kicks and hugs it tightly, gets shocked, and falls over. "and powerful."

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Celia sent out Blaze to assist Dree and Karma as they left. She turned back to Sarah only to see that she got shocked and fell over. "Oh dear.." She reached out her arm to pull Sarah up. "We should hurry, this is taking too long..."

"Yeah. Wonder where the power-thingy is." Sarah said standing. "Where'd that Pichu go?"

Kicks was gone, after having given Sarah a nice good shock. Since it was dark, he knew she wouldn't come after him. He was creeped out by the fact she tried to hug him. Anyway, he jumped into Blitz's lap. Blitz patted Kicks on the head, and Kicks then jumped back into his seat. He resumed his nap.

Celia paced around a little before she spoke. "I'm not sure entirely, maybe I should go and check the back of the plane while you could go on ahead to the front. If it isn't at my end, I'll head up to you and via versa..." She didn't even worry much about the Pichu that Sarah had before, assuming it mostly went back to it's trainer or was hiding under the seats.

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"Sure. By the way is my hair sticking up?" Sarah said pointing at her hair. "Lux, lux, luxio!" Storm started yanking at Sarah's pants. "Never mind, I think Storm's found something! Bye!" Storm ran off with Sarah to the front of the plane.

Sarah had left before Celia could say anything. She shook her head before motioning Lexi to follow her as she made her way to the back of the plane to search.

Blitz finally decided he was gonna go do something because he wanted things to go back to normal so he could hurry up and go back to sleep. Standing up, Kicks jumped on Blitz's back, and Blitz began to walk around, trying to find the electric circuit in this plane, so that way he could just have Kicks shock it.

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