Using item - Makeup


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2006
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I have a Wooltchi and I tried using the item MAKEUP on her, but all I get is a question mark over her head every time.

She's 5 years old and has a baby girl. Does her age have anything to do with why she won't use it?

:furawatchi: When the question mark goes over its head, that means he/she is using it.

Hope I helped! :blink: ;)

But nothing happened. It didn't show it with makeup on or anything.

And the same thing happened when I tried it on my male tama, so shouldn't something happen on a female tama?

You must have a mirror for them to use the make up and the mirror cost like 5,000 points....and it is putting a question mark because it doesn't know what to do because it doesn't have a mirror hope I helped.

You must have a mirror for them to use the make up and the mirror cost like 5,000 points....and it is putting a question mark because it doesn't know what to do because it doesn't have a mirror hope I helped.

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I have a Wooltchi and I tried using the item MAKEUP on her, but all I get is a question mark over her head every time.
She's 5 years old and has a baby girl. Does her age have anything to do with why she won't use it?
she doesnt know how to use it

No, I promise you have to have a mirror to use the make up ...because once I had a problem exactly like that and then someone told me you have to get a mirror to use it and then when I finally got a mirror and click on the make-up it used it right away and my tama looked very pretty..well not realy because it was the character Bill.

No, I promise you have to have a mirror to use the make up ...because once I had a problem exactly like that and then someone told me you have to get a mirror to use it and then when I finally got a mirror and click on the make-up it used it right away and my tama looked very pretty..well not realy because it was the character Bill.
yes im sorry iw rote no by accident.

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