V4: How to Recognise Jobs


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Thanks for the topic spaudilike, 1 question, can a V4 character be a actress/actor or a singer???(If yes, please tell me what points i got to raise)

:mellow: i graduated and then i got another [!] but i was standing there and nothing happend! when do i get the job!!!!!!!! :) :wub:

my tama always gets rejegted! I cant raise SOCIAL skill points it doesnt have friends

i waited to long to select a job with my tama. when will i get another chance? ^_^ ;)

That mail guy will come back within a half an hour or something, I think it's still in the same day...at least that's wat de sayed in da instructions :D :p ^_^ ;) thats the maily guy

Excellent, but people are asking this question. How much money do you earn for each job?

buts it already the next day and i havent gotten another offer yet! will i even get another ...job?? :) :furawatchi: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Does anyone know how to raise kindness points, because when I play the mini games, that dosn't really boost up the kindness.

Whoever knows how to boost up kindness points by a lot, please tell me.

You should also know that I am in pre-school.

:) ;) :angry:

can someone tell me what jobs you can have on the UK tamagothci V4, because, my friend got hers from UK, and she got offered a few jobs.

1 of them was a banker or accountant. I looked on my instructions sheet (V4) and it didn't say show the banker ( accountant ). What the heck is going on ??

Also, I keep on hearing people say ohh, how do I become a artist or a singer and so on, but it dosnt say that on the instruction sheet !!!!!!!!!!! :) ;) :angry: :angry: :angry: :lol:



how do u get the inteligence up on a v4 tama.i got mine wednesday and cant figure anything out

pm me if u want to talk

I wouuld Like everyone to congratulate Spudlike on her very Acheiving standard to help us all! :)

ok, i just turned into a teenager. can someone tell me how to get your kindness points up ???? :lol: :eek:

this has nothing to do with jobs,but i need help.i got a tamagotchi on wednesday so i dont no much about them.ok,i had 24,000 gp so i went to the shop and they had a ticket to Japan for 20,000, so i bought it and only have 4,000 gp left and it wont let me use the ticket.

please pm me if u no why or if u want to be friends. :( ;)

my tama:







well, sniper50

thats what happened to me.

I bought a ticket and they didnt let me use it BECAUSE i was to young.

I think you have to be a adult to use it, because i am a teen at the moment,and i bought my ticket today and it wont let me use it.

please reply

thanks for telling me.i just turned a teen so i just need to grow 1 more time to use it. ^_^ :( ^_^ :mellow:

pm me if u want to talk

[SIZE=23pt][/SIZE]how do you get arts/fashion points?

1.)You play dance.

2.)You choose Ms. Flower as your elementary teacher and try to get the sparkle.

3.)You can play 'random' games like mimic and jump rope.

This is off topic, too.

///Matchy :furawatchi:

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