Very Immature


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Im in grade six. (Your questions a little offending)Im not that imature, but most of the guys in my class are.

I am a guy and I'm not immature. People say I'm very mature for my age. I'm 11 and in 6th grade and I do also find that a little offending.

This is very annoying. The sixth graders at my school think they are all that. So during one of my elecetives (sign language), the sixies were all, "iZ thaR An SIGn 4 EmO???". Then they turn to me and I was wearing a MCR band shirt and they were all "oH uZ ZoOOOoOO EMOz." And I can tell you that I am defenitly NOT. So I was wondering is all sixies were THIS immature. I mean I know that us 8th graders aren't any better but then they started making up a sign for emo. It was suposed to look like they were cutting their wrists with pen caps and hanging themselves by their shirts. Even us 8th graders would not do that. And when I felt like I wanted to punch the living [cencsored] out of them they said "UhhH R thair eMO ZinErZ?" so I excused myself to the bathroom and started banging my head on the wall. So my point is ARE ALL SIXIES THIS IMMATURE?
I think it's just because they are in a new school, and it's a new thing, so they say many different "cool" things to be "cool" infront of 7th and 8th graders ( That's just my opionon I guess )

When I'm on the bus, I swear they say the most stupidest things, and they are always loud and obnoxious. I mean those are just some of the 6th graders, I mean like I have a few friends in 6th grade and they are really nice and awesome, but then there's the others. But it's all good I get use to it, and I'm sure we were like that too in 6th grade :angry:


Im in grade six. Im not that imature, but most of the guys in my class are.

Same! I'm also in grade 6 and 11 years old

I'm not that immatue , but like every year 6 boy is so immature!

It freaks me out!

Hey, don't bash on them too hard. It's just something about that grade of feeling like they're older now that they're in middle school.

Believe it or not, you were probably somewhat like that when you were in the 6th grade, too. Maybe you weren't, but most people were. I know that I was, and now I look back at the pesky 6th graders and think the same thing you do.

They're just being kids. It's what they do. Just think, next year they'll be 7th graders and then there'll be a whole new batch of annoyence for you. ^__^

I wouldn't take the term "Sixies" offensively. At my school, we were called Sixlets by the higher grades.

I was a sixth grader last year, and I know a lot of us could be immature. And not just the boys, not all the time. I guess it was just entering middle school that made some choice people act.. Stupidly.

I assume they really don't know what they're doing. Ignoring them would probably be best. They probably don't understand how offending the whole 'emo' thing can be, and same goes for any other labeling.

Maybe they'll grow out of it, who knows.

We are never called that in my school.

Once they mature and get into higher grades, they won't be so annoying.

[SIZE=7pt]Well, on calling grade sixes "sixies", I would not find that to be offensive. [/SIZE]

Think of it as a nickname.

Next year in grade nine, I'll be what they call a "miner niner." :eek:

And no, sixth graders are not all immature and annoying. Most of them are very smart and mature in my opinion. You were a grade six once too, y'know.

[SIZE=7pt]Well, on calling grade sixes "sixies", I would not find that to be offensive. [/SIZE]Think of it as a nickname.

Next year in grade nine, I'll be what they call a "miner niner." :ph34r:

And no, sixth graders are not all immature and annoying. Most of them are very smart and mature in my opinion. You were a grade six once too, y'know.
Exactly. We were all a sixth grader too at one time!

I'm a sixth grader.

I hate people who "hate kids" because they were one at one time in their life!

That is exactly how I feel.

Wow, :furawatchi: I have really been expressing my opinions! :wacko:

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The term 'sixie' isn't offending |: If you're in 6th grade, you're a 'Sixie'. If you're in 7th, you're a 'Sevie'. Like if you're a Freshman, you're a 'Frosh', or Sophomore, 'Squashmore'.

They're just names given to a grade. It's nothing personal.
In my school, the older kids use that as an offensive term.

Exactly. We were all a sixth grader too at one time!
I'm a sixth grader.

I hate people who "hate kids" because they were one at one time in their life!

That is exactly how I feel.

Wow, :( I have really been expressing my opinions! :p
It's just because they think they're better than you and, they've been through it, they've been called names and stuff, so it's like they're passing it on to you. It's like a tradition that will never die. The name upperclassmen can get to peoples heads sometimes, but it's just kids being kids.

At rallys, upperclassmen always chant "Freshmen go home!" just because. It's fine with us, we fight back by saying "We would if we could!"

And jsut be thankful because there are a lot of things that those people can say. A lot things that are worse and more offending then "sixie".

Point is, not all six graders are like that. I was quite mature six grade.

If I were you this is what I would do the next time they do that emo sign I'd probably be like "What does that mean? I have no idea what you guys are doing. Is it some weird 6 grade thing? I guess..." and if they explain they're cutting themself, be like "You cut yourself? I think you need to get some help or something cause that's just not good for you" and walk away.

I know I would never do that... I don't abuse the term, "emo." But I'm a fifth grader. It's different for MEE =] So... I guess they just wanna act cool so they can get a boyfirend I guess...

[SIZE=8pt]i am in 6th grade and i think 6th is fun :] lol i am immature to a certain point but not like that...i just like to have fun but i wouldnt do what those 6th graders did to you. Your not emo and actually i like Fall out Boy. Just ignore them i know how they are. Ignore=No fun for 6th grader [/SIZE]

Next for me is 7th grade and i am


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[SIZE=7pt]Well, on calling grade sixes "sixies", I would not find that to be offensive. [/SIZE]Think of it as a nickname.

Next year in grade nine, I'll be what they call a "miner niner." B)

And no, sixth graders are not all immature and annoying. Most of them are very smart and mature in my opinion. You were a grade six once too, y'know.
EXACTLY!! x] You were ALL grade 6's once (I am now xD)

UrItChI, you were in grade 6 when I was in grade 3 (3 years ago x]).

Mametchi, same here. o_O I'm going to be in grade 7 next year!! :lol: ;)

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Don't worry. People think I'm emo because Fall Out Boy is my favourite band. >.<
Fall Out boy is a horrible band, and everyone likes them anyways.

I'm leaving middle school in a week to go off to high school, and I know all through the years we were annoying- right now, I'm emo and poor kid by the sixth graders, and one is always running around, getting in my face like a chicken, and one is always gargling his spit....I know we were not that stupid, even though one kid used to act like he was someone from Star Wars. They don't have an emo sign- they point and laugh and I have gotten ISS more then once for hitting one or two of them, along with a few of my friends.

I'm a horrible person D^8

so yha, all sixth graders loose their fifth grade maturity entering Middle School

Yes in some schools the term "sixie" is offensive. In my school it just means that your that person's friend. Like go up to some sixth grader you know and go "Oh hey mi sixie amigo/a" the term "pixie" is used as an offensive term in our school. Yes I was a sixth grader at one point but I never really talked to anyone but the little group of friends I had. So yeah. I got the "emo" thing under control. They said "Hey! Emoz rnt AlLowwEd in thiZ ClazZ!" And I just said "Emu's aren't allowed in this class. Oh well I just tell my emu that he is not allowed to learn Sign Languge!"

Well, what can I say....???

Boys mature much later than girls, so that's probably why they always act like that. It annoys me too. Once I was just sitting in the cafeteria minding my own business eating lunch with my friends, and all of a sudden these sevies fling yogurt across the room and it got all over my friend's shirt. They are so immature >:-(

Well, what can I say....???Boys mature much later than girls, so that's probably why they always act like that. It annoys me too. Once I was just sitting in the cafeteria minding my own business eating lunch with my friends, and all of a sudden these sevies fling yogurt across the room and it got all over my friend's shirt. They are so immature >:-(
So true. >.< Once, while I was eating lunch at day camp, this boy threw a tomato at the back of my shirt!! :ichigotchi: :angry: I didn't even do anything to him! I'm still mad about it today.

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