Webkinz Chat


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Cool, the reindeer's pretty ugly in my opinion. Next year, for my account renewal, I want a black cat. They are very cute, and it'll be at the perfect time because I need to get it in Oct.
^^ when you do we will have to meet up in WW I have one ;) What is your username?

I have 2 Webkinz. A white terrier named Fluffy White, and a tiger named Stripie. I'm StripyTiger978.

I have 6 Webkinz:

Black and White Cat - Gabriella

Chihuahua - Taco

Horse - Spirit

Lil' Kinz Tiger - Tony

Lil' Kinz Cow - Zoey

Panda - Hay Lin

I do not like to give out my username except to my personal friends. Sadly, my account has been hacked before. I don't know why people do that. It's just rude.

I also have two packs of trading cards (I got 7 feature codes from them in all; two from the first and 5 from the second), a Ms. Birdy charm, and the Candy Bash bookmark (each of which I got a feature code).

Mametchi 4ever why dont you have any new webkinz? are your parents not letting u get one? dont worry you will get one soon. i was sad the same in april when the dumb railway strike came to canada and i couldnt find 1 webkinz for 2 months. so please dont be sad. just wait until you can get one.

I have the reindeer. I called him elliot. I just got the leopard too! I called him graham after my crush.


Golden Retriever named Lily

Bunny named Snowbelle

3 packs of trading cards (i think)

1 mouse pad

1 book mark

and if u have ever wondered how to make a webkinz house:First get scisors decorations and other things like a big box and cut a BIG door then if u want to, get slips of card board and cut of the back of the house (if u want to play with ur webkinz in it) and then cut the side of where its open to make rooms then u can make furniture like a bed here how to make it

tissue box, tissue. first cut off the top of the tissue box that should be empty then take 5 or 6 tissues and put them at the bottom that will be the mattris then take two more tissues and those r the blankets well there ya go i spent 30 mins on tryping this so plz make the things and send me a pic

The reindeer is ugly.

And you found the pearl egg?

I've had that for a few days.

I haven't been finding any gems.

It keeps telling me that I got slag even when I click on the ones that sparkled twice. Am I like missing something here?

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