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My lil Star

Well-known member
Jan 15, 2005
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Natasja, how did u make ur website?? its sooo cool can u help me make one like that and i'll give u credit for helping me if u will. thankz so much and please email me at [email protected]

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Yeah, i love natasja's website to! Its one of my faves.

I think it is as good as tamatalk! :(

:blush:, thank you very much! I made it by using a program called dreamweaver and I also used lots of CSS (stylesheets, that's what you get your font colours etc. with). But I'm making websites for almost three years now and I'm obsessed with it ;) . So by practising a lot you'll get the hang of it. At the moment I can't help you with making a website, because I'm way too busy with my job. I don't even have the time to add something to my own sites :(

I can give you some advice though, this is how I learned it:

- Get yourself some free webspace to put your website on, for example at Freewebs or Envy

- I learned to program html a lot easier by using Dreamweaver

- Practise, practise, practise ;-) Just search google for good tutorials. I can also recommend Lissa Explains it all and DNW

- Use a program like Photoshop or Paint Shop pro to make a nice header (top image) with.

- When you've got no inspiration you can always use free layouts! You only have to replace the text with your own :D These are good layout sites: Lex Designs | Miz Graphics | Layoutland

- If you find it difficult to start, you can first use a weblog to write about tamagotchi's. You get free webspace with premade templates at Tabulas or Blogger

Have fun! :lol:

Another good weblog service is, you can get a blog there.

I've used dreamweaver before, it's a very interesting program...we used it for some basic website design in my Computer Applacations and Technology class last year. It's pretty handy to be honest.

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