Weird fears!


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Yellow Jackets(Wasps And Hornets) And Earwigs....I Hate Them

People I Love Dying

Getting Sick (Vomiting And Stuff)

Hmmm....let's see:

1.Being in the public bathrooms alone

2.Auto toilet flushing

3.Being alone in the lift

4.Going to the bathroom at night

5.And insects that fly

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Time - Not having enough of it.

Clowns - They're just plain scary.

Infinate darkness - Constant darkness... It'd be pretty scary.

That's about it..


this chracter: :wub:

and lifts and esclaters

and feet and clowns and flushin the toilet i usally flush then run

Wine. O_O That bottle, that cork, that weird old's okay to laugh at me, even I think it's a really stupid fear. Once my brother chased me with a bottle of wine to scare me... XD ...I screamed... XD


-Bees; if I see one, I run and scream. One time, a bee got into my trailor and was buzzing around me so I hid under a blanket and started screaming at the top of my lungs, "GET IT THE HECK OUT OF HERE! GET IT OUT! OMG GET THE FRICKIN BEE!" and I burst into tears. When teh bee finally was gone, the couch was soaked from me crying. o.o

-Talking on the phone; I don't know why, but I hate it so much. I refuse answerign my phone, and I NEVER call people, and rarely call them back. x.x I cant stand being on the phone with a friend for longer than a few minutes, and for some reason I'm scared of talking to my relitives(sp?) over the phone too.

-Crumbs & Stains; Yeah yeah. I know.....this must be the weirdest phobia ever! xD But I cant stand stains or crumbs. If I am sitting at a table, and teh table has crumbs all over it I won't eat or I'll use a napkin to try brushing them away. I wont sit in a car seat with crumbs on it, but if I have to I never lean back. And, if I'm sitting on a couch or floor with crumbs and stains all over it I'll stand. :p I'd rather sit in a pile of poop then in a pile of crumbs and full of stains. haha, I'm weird.


Throwing up, and going to the Ladie's room in Public.I'm just paranoid in public. :p It's really weird, I know. But I just can't get over that.
I'm afraid of vomiting too! :D

I have another weird fear.....

Glitches! Computer glitches,Tamagotchi glitches,Club Penguin(they're the weirdest)glitches.


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Bugs spiders I swear Its like A Dease I'll Sceram If Even The Smallest Bug Is On Me~

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Pocky's Phobia List:




4.Vomit in general. Doesn't have to be me it can be someone else that has vomited for me to get bugged out. I haven't vomited in seven years over this fear. I tend to avoid people who have stomach viruses at work.

5.Talking on the Phone or Talking with people in public. I don't do my own imporant phone calls someone has to do it for me. In public someone has to talk for me because I get very nervous and start messing with whatever is in my hands at the time.

6.Being alone

We all have some kind of phobia its just up to the person not to let it control their life.

Here's my weird one.

Clowns *shivers* they scare the crud outta me!

i know it sounds wierd but im afrriad of rain... cuz i always think its gonna turn into a thunder storm :p i know i know im a freak!

oh ya heres my wierd one ... i am 100% afraid of pointy things espashly knives! :p if i look at one i start to shiver. i have now idea y!

P.S its funny cuz my big bro is atracted to pointy things... :D :p :unsure: he likes to touch them and then soon learns its not a good idea!


ok ok...

- im afraid of clowns :mellow: theren not much else to say about it

-im afraid of goining into public restrooms

- going in my bath room at night.. Yes i said MY bathroom( i always have to leave the door open)

- looking up at really tall things...i gues i am afraid they will fall on me

-bugs that crawl :D :mellow: *shudder*

- when the teacher calls on me at school for the answer or to read somthing. I know the answer and i know how to read but i hate being under preshure so i always get the aswer wrong and i say the wrong thing when i read :( :( the teacher thinks im dumb :(

1. Clowns-ghaa!

2. Daddy longlegs-ghaa! So scary! The long legs and everything! I scream when they're even on the other side of the window

3. Spiders with tiny bodies and long legs, like one I saw on guide camp, it had this tiny red circle body and legs about five centimetres long-OMG I ran off screaming

4. Feet. I just hate it when I'm on the couch and then my sister jumps on with no socks on and puts her feet in my face-yuck!

5. Veils (I'm not being racist) it's just that you don't know what's under there!

Lesse, I get nervous around knives. Not so scared that I can't use or handle them but I can always picture them dropping and stabbing my foot or something. :X

I really hate those auto toilet, not so much a fear but I really, really hate them.

I can't stand people touching me, especialy if I don't know them well. I don't like hugs from people outside my family.

Also...Sharp objects, death, and the dark. O.O

Sharp Objects-

I feel like I'm gonna cut myself or something.


I don't wanna die! D=

The Dark-

O.O So...dark. I get scared easily, so, don't get surprised if I post alot of strange fears on here.

Well, I'm terrified of bugs, I hate eating when my parents are in the room (I eat in the living room while everyone else eats in the kitchen.), and one time at a fair there were the goat house place and the goats were going baaa and I thought it was kinda creepy.

I...fear...Hotdogs...cause this one time, I was about to take a bite, and all this juice came squirting out of it. Then I read the ingredients and found out there was Modified Onion Stuffing in them. Note: Stay away from those who say "Big, Fat, and Juicy"

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