Weird fears!


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I know of someone else's weird fear. My grade 6 teacher's sister is scared of buttons. She can't stand them! When she was planning her wedding, she strictly said "No BUTTONS!" but they gave her a dress with buttons and she freaked out!

I'm kinda crazy, but..

Clowns/Ronald McDonald/Burgerking Dude/KFC Kernal - I don't know, I have a phobia of going to any fast food place with a creepy man, their eyes... staring at me. ;_;

The Shower - I'm weird, but, after I get out of the shower, I'm afraid of it...

Mirrors - I'm terrified of Mirrors. Don't ask.

The Drop Zone/Sky Screamer- Mayeb I'm insane, but those things that take you up and drop you, I was crying insanely.

Going To The Bathroom At Night - Eurgh. It's just...

My Mom - My number one biggest fear is my MOTHER. >< She's so scary and mean and she walks around the house naked...

The Way Society and the people at school are- The kids at home are rude, racist (no matter what you are... they find SOME way to be racist.) and judge you by how you look. I do /not/ know of /ANYONE/ in the school, asides from Marvin, who likes you for your personality, at least I don't know for the Juniors. Some Primarys are moving into my yard next year, so maybe I'll hang with some of 'em. I'm scared I'll become like them, and that I'll be teased to no return.

I can't stand people touching me, neither.

I'm scared of needles and I used to be afraid of goofy when I was little LOL now I love him lol!!

One more thing- I can't stand touching raw meat or even the bag. If my mom tells me to get the bacon out I grab it by the teeny corner of the bag to hand it to her. I hate touching cold turkey or any other deli meat.


One more thing- I can't stand touching raw meat or even the bag. If my mom tells me to get the bacon out I grab it by the teeny corner of the bag to hand it to her. I hate touching cold turkey or any other deli meat.
I'm the same way! o.o

I /cannot/ touch raw meat, or go near it. I bite my nails alot, I'm scared of Semolina poisoning... I mean, terrified.

raw meat-touching it, seeing it, smelling it, ewww.


fast food weirdos


when bugs are flying around, my hands automatically go up to my hair, cuz i'm scared they'll land on my head


ok, this is a weird one. at night, say my parents are out and so is my brother, so i'm alone, if i hear like muffled voices coming from downstairs, or footsteps, it creeps me out.

really, really, quiet times, like where its so quiet you can hear a pin drop, especially at night

going to the bathroom at night

and for some reason, every night that I watch a scary movie, when I go into my room to get something, i'm always creeped out and check my closet and under my bed. lol

i have alot of fears. lol, i'm not sure if a teenager like me should be afraid of so much stuff


Whenever I'm around them, like when my mom is chopping onions or something, I freak out! I don't know why. o_o

Even if the knives are dull, I'm still scared.

And getting sick.

Even if it's just a mild cold, I'm still so scared I could faint! I always think, "What if I never get better? What if this is my last day alive? What if I have cancer or something???"

I'm such a worrywart....x_x

i know it sounds wierd but im afrriad of rain... cuz i always think its gonna turn into a thunder storm :eek: i know i know im a freak!
No, you're definetely not a freak. :D Everybody has their own fears.

And I share that one with you- I'm scared of the Rain.

And after it turns into a Thunderstorm, I always think that there's gonna be a Tornado, for some reason. It scares me! DX

There was a Tornado Touch-down that was 50-feet from my Cottage- THAT was scary. ;)

One of my fears is getting hit in the head. Doesn't matter what it is, I don't like getting hit in the head. Dodgeball in gym is a nightmare. :D I once got hit in the head four times with a soccer ball in one gym class. Yeah. =(

Also, spiders, bugs, (especially if they can fly).

Presentations in front of the class. ;)

Talking to people who I don't know well. I stumble over my words and well...I just don't like it. It's not easy for me. :eek:

(for the hitting in the head thing) me too! well, probably becuase i bump my head off something or get hit in the head by something like everyday, XD.

presentations in front of the class get me worried, but i love doing them. especially this year when i made it really far with my english and french speeches. (french on global warming, english on john lennon.)

I'm afraid of stairs and Softball.

Once I was on this historical landmark thing that was a ship and the stairs were really steep and I was so nervous I fell back and hit my head hard on the rail.

Whenever I play softball something bad happens to me. Most recent:: Hit by a bat while waiting for my turn ( stitches, had to get a fake tooth ) D:

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Ok it's embarasing but I'm afraid of dogs. I don't know why. Whenever I see a dog (not all though) my mussels go stiff. Or that time I was at the park there was a person with a dog and he started talking to my mom while the dog was close to me. I was on the swings and I couldn't stop swinging. I was on the swings for like 10 minutes! I am breaking my fear (good thig, most of my friends have dogs) and some dogs dont frighten me. But to me that IS a strange fear.

I have many fears:


High Jump }

Power tools. }

The last two I discovered at High School.

My top 12!

1. Hmm, lets see I'm scared when im trying to sneek downstairs and the stairs creek i feel like someone's gonna hurt me.

2. Ummmm, when i jump on the trampoline and ther is alot of leaves on it i hate jumping becus i dont wann get anythin on me on my toes or in my shoes

3. Oh i hate goin up escalaters or going down without even holding onto the rail! (especially going down)

4. When my grandpa coughs, I'm scared that he will get really sick one day I just leave the room when he coughs

5. Also doin' number 2 . . . EVEN when there is one more person in the ladies room. i have to hold it so many times.

6. I get really upset and scared when nobody talkes durin a conversation.

7. I get really scared when umm u wanna play with a big group of ppl but then they leave you just standing there. it feels awkward to me.

8. Last but not least i think . .. I am TERRIFIED of playgrounds and it just started happening! Well, ever since i got stitches from a playground.

9. oops another one! When i see kids hanging upside down on monkey bars or those things where there is just ONe bar an dthe hang on it or upside down.

10. Whenn im not even jumping on the trampoline (or if i am) And someone startes jumping, they toss me up in the air i almost broke my arm!

11. Lol. I ABSOLUTELY POSTIVELY hate to hear ppl playing the guitar and singing very low pitched it drives me NUTS! I also hate playing the guitar im not good so i feel the kind of feeling when u hear a blackboard scratching.

12. MY TOP ONE. talking to my teacher i get seriously choked up and talking to boys

13: Lice and tick i hate bugs and spiders so why would i want stuff sucking my blood and in my scalp?


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Thought of a few more things:

1. Touching the bathroom door handles at my workplace.

I'm not germaphobic or anything, but do you know how many people don't wash their hands after using the public restroom?! Ewww...gross. I use a paper towel to open the door.

2. I don't like touching rodent poison, Mothballs, and pool chemicals.

I don't like the idea of handling poison in my hand. :) As for the other two I can't stand the smell they leave on my hands. Who wants to smell like a walking pool/mothball person? XD

Then again I'm not afraid of these things.

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Semi Trucks. Hahaha, you can laugh at mine, lol lol lol. Im scared because when I go to Chicago, Im afraid theyll fall on the car. o_O
I totally hear you with the semi-trucks >.<

I hate driving next to 'em. I've almost been run off the road a few times by them.


I'm scared of elevators. I hate 'em. I have dreams of being in them. Pressing a button like 14 or something. The elevator will start going towards 14, then shoot up to like 100+ and then free-fall x.x

I'm also terrified that when I go out to my car there will be someone in it waiting for me. Especially when I get off work late. I always have someone walk with me to my car and check through the windows.

I've been afaird of plastic slides since July 15 2007.Go ahead and laugh if you want.Trust me,those things could break two bones of your body.

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