What are you in the crowd?


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Lol I've had doors shut in my face because apparently I'm emo.

I don't have a label though.

So none of them.

I'm a daydreamer. If you went to my school you'd often see me walking staring at nothing. If not that then I'm talking non-stop. And I admit that I'm a daydreamer proudly! Lol. Anyway yeh I someties stare into space when I'm thinkng. Oh and also ppl think I'm either chav or emo. I'm not. Well....

Right now,I'm the Smartest A+ student in my grade.

I proved it by being the FIRST one chosen for working harder stuff by one grade higher.

And most time's Jayda (aka the bragger)always braggs about herself, also she lied about that

she was in a tv show.But she calls me the smarty pants.So, that means I'm

an A+ smarty.

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I would say I'm a popular person...But I think it was beacause I'm very friendly... and after a few weeks in my new school...everyone was trying to be my friend...and i was like huh? :blink:

I'm not bad with *nerd/geek* people...I'm a little geek too...but in my school...I am popular! :blink:

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well im the day dreamer/ popular person. im not popular like "popular" but popular as in im friends w/ alot of people. and i daydream constintly, its true. ill just randomly stare into space. i picked popular though cause not every1 knows that im a daydreaming person.

I'm guess I'm Super Talented! I play the piano, and guitar. Also I do figure skating, and I'm not a gymnast but can do several gymnastic tricks. Also I'm very good at drawing manga. Also I write songs and compose music, so I'm really like Hyphorina from CCB.

I'm the very friendly girl who's smart, and is nice to everybody. Sometimes my friends and famil say I'm too nice for my own good. x.x And people take advantage of me because of it.

I get along with everybody; whether their popular or not. I am the class president, on the student council and I'm the girl who sang in front of the class and was forced to hook arms with a guy. xP

I be the easily annoyed emo kid who causes trouble and comes into classrooms via the window.

I also sing in class and make ridiculous claims...

WOOT.. record for the most detentions in a week- 6- I didnt do them all.

I would say I am picked on, a nerd, unpopular, untalented student. I am really nice, but in my school its all about looks. No one judges you by yourself. They definately judge a book by its cover. I have met several people and we have become inseparable, but I have also met people who are popular and snotty. I don't know most of my school because, I dont like to introduce myself, and people dont have the nerve to come up to me and say hi unless I'm pretty. So yes. I'm basically unneeded at my school.

I'm nice and polite. I'm not a teacher's pet, nor am I 'popular'. I'm not deserted without any friends, but yeah ^_^

I'm nice and polite. I'm not a teacher's pet, nor am I 'popular'. I'm not deserted without any friends, but yeah :eek:
Being a teachers pet in my school gets you popular.

I was teachers pet a couple of times :huh:

It really depends on who's talking about me. I feel comfortable talking to some kids, and therefore some of them say that I can be annoying (but they're still nice, they're more of my friends who aren't friends, the people who I call 'buddies'.) But then there are some people who say "You know, I don't think I've ever heard you say more than one word." I'm very shy around some people, so most people would say that I'm shy.

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At school, I can't really be considered anything. The smart girl who gets along with everyone and doesn't know how to open a door? Sure, okay. I'll go with that.

WOOT.. record for the most detentions in a week- 6- I didnt do them all.
I fail to see how that's something to be proud of. :huh:

I'm pretty average I guess you could say. My friend told me I was the sweetest girl she'd ever met but that doesn't exactly put me in a 'class' or group.

I have a variety of friends [who are da best!] but don't really have a label either. :3

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