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Professor Layton and the Curious Village.

I finished Unwound Future the other day and I decided to buy Curious Village and go back to the basics.

Also Homestuck, but I'm just reading past Pesterchum conversations.

not really working on any games at the moment. besides super smash bros. brawl because i recently entered a brawl tournament (of which i didn't make it past the first round, but i'm not going into what happened right now)

i'm more looking forward to new games coming out and such, like, for instance, the 3DS coming out in 7 days! I will probably buy street fighter as my first game for it, but i'm still not 100% on that. I'm not super impressed with the launch games, and with the whole money situation, i might not even buy a game with the 3DS on the first day. Katsucon kinda drained my money, so much that i couldn't even buy anything at zenkaikon... 'tis a pity that i am no longer babysitting.

Multiple unfinished games, but I'm currently spending most of my gaming time on Kingdom Hearts Re:coded. ^^

Shin Megami Tensei and Onimusha series. Atm however Prince of Persia, Warrior Within going on. :D

I enjoy playing oldskool-games as well. SNES rules still!

Kanaya: Return to the Core

Ah, good memories of Eridan being alive

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