What design ideas or themes would you like to see?


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What design ideas or themes would you like to see on a new Tamagotchi?

  • Animals & Animal Prints

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  • Camoflage

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  • Beach

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  • Sports

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  • Candy

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  • Make-Up

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  • Toys

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  • Food

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  • Tama Characters (which ones?)

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  • Solid Colors

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  • Translucent

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  • Seasons (Spring, X-mas)

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  • Flowers

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  • Something else (post your ideas in your replies!)

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I'd like to see an updated version of the Angelgotchi. Maybe Bandai could combine the Angelgotchi and devilgotchi characters, and maybe some new ones to create the new character list. Kinda like how they combined Ousuchi Mesuchi characters with some new ideas for the new version tamagotchis. :unsure:

I'd like to see an updated version of the Angelgotchi. Maybe Bandai could combine the Angelgotchi and devilgotchi characters, and maybe some new ones to create the new character list. Kinda like how they combined Ousuchi Mesuchi characters with some new ideas for the new version tamagotchis. :unsure:
That sounds cool... it could be Tenshi/Debiru. Depending on how you care for it it can become a Tenshi (Angel) character with good care or a Debiru (Devil) if you neglect it. That would certainly be interesting!

~ Dolores ~

I think Animal & Animal Prints would be nice, for me it would. I love animals, I'm very fascinated in them.

So, go ANIMALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I will like an :( on one!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want football teams,wrestling teams cool things. where you can go to a store(toys r us)make your own print then they take them back and put it on.


I'd like to see an updated version of the Angelgotchi. Maybe Bandai could combine the Angelgotchi and devilgotchi characters, and maybe some new ones to create the new character list. Kinda like how they combined Ousuchi Mesuchi characters with some new ideas for the new version tamagotchis. :wacko:
Definately, with the angelgotchi.

I want a christmasgotchi!~~~

I would say the tama characters. I would choose the kinda main ones. What I mean is like Mimitchi. Mimitchi seems like the most main Tamagotchi since he appears in the O which looks like a tamagotchi.

I would also put Mametchi, Memetchi, and Kuchipatchi on it because they appear on the front and the main characters of Tamagotchi Corner Shop. Maybe even Tamagotchi Corner Shop 2 .


i would like to see maybe a pic of the world, although some of it would b covered up by the screen

:( :D :D

I'd Like To See A Tama Character One, With The Tama Characters Like 'MIMITCHI' 'ANDROTCHI' ( :) ) 'MAMETCHI' And 'MEMETCHI'. ( :eek: ) Oh, And 'KUTCHIPATCHI' ( :D )That's What I'd Like To See On The V.4!
it is not about a design but i joined your site :D

cat and dog paw prints in mud would be cool

and the characters could be cats and dogs too :D

oooh i like that robot tama

:D this used to be peach

:D this is plum right now

um , i think that they should make stripes and checkers, that would be super rad, and like rainbow and peace signs, yup, thats what they should do , oh , and im talkinga bout the poll i just took :mametchi:

actually, a V4 would suck.

my friend has a V3.i tried connecting it with my V2.

what happend? it didn't connect cause my v2 doesn't have a 'V3' as the playmate option.

V2s can only connect to V2s and V1s.

V3s can only connect to V3s and V1s.

so V4s would only be able to connect to V4s and V1s.

V1s can connect to anything.

I would have to say something diffrent. All those were good but not attractive, we need something that will turn many ppl over. FOr instance your a goth and you see a tamagotchi that has a cool color u would want it. I am thinking of having pics of the tamagotchis on the tamagotchi and the pics will look 3-d. We can have Example,Leaftchi, We can have flowers on that tamagotchi, and the pics will all look like it is popped out, but if Bandai needs this to be a quick process, they should put the most popular tamagotchis on the new tamagotchi and then on the tamagotchi the backround is tamatown, so it will be very attractive example: Put Kuchipatchi, Memetchi, and Mametchi on each of the tamagotchis (since the tamagotchis have little space they have to make the characters very small) and then the background could be tamagotchi town (the background should be in color) and when someone holds the tamagotchi it looks like tamagotchi town is coming to you. Hope this helps Bandai!!!!

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