What design ideas or themes would you like to see?


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What design ideas or themes would you like to see on a new Tamagotchi?

  • Animals & Animal Prints

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  • Camoflage

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  • Beach

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  • Candy

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  • Make-Up

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  • Toys

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  • Food

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  • Tama Characters (which ones?)

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  • Solid Colors

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  • Translucent

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  • Seasons (Spring, X-mas)

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  • Flowers

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  • Something else (post your ideas in your replies!)

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I think they should make one that tranlucent with mametchi's and hearts scattered around the whole thing. :) THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

Also, it would be cool to make little soft jackets that they wear tat have holes where the IR thing is and the screen and where the key ring comes out. They would have things on them, like on for each season, or holiday, sorry I took someones idea with the holiday and season thing, but that would be real cool too!! :D :p

I would like to see Memetchi :D , Mimitchi, Mametchi,Kuchipatchi,and Leaftchi on a Tamagotchi. The background would be light blue or periwinkle. ;) GO MEMETCHI!

hi me

Oh, I forgot about Teketchi. Most people think he or she is weird. I don't know why. :angry:

I think they should make one that tranlucent with mametchi's and hearts scattered around the whole thing. :angry:   THAT WOULD BE AWESOME!!!!

Also, it would be cool to make little soft jackets that they wear tat have holes where the IR thing is and the screen and where the key ring comes out. They would have things on them, like on for each season, or holiday, sorry I took someones idea with the holiday and season thing, but that would be real cool too!!  :huh:   :D
yeah! :eek: i think that's a great idea! its really cool too! :p

----------------------------------------------------------------https://www.zooreka.com/photo-150872.htm <------check it out!

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What about just SPLASHING with colors!!! like curved colors like if you splashes it on or FIREWORKS!

i really like the tama-talk idea, where every1 would think of a little piece of the tama and POW! we have our own tamagotchi lol.

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I'd like tamas that had a back sreen that glows, or a plain silver, black, or white shell. And characters on the outside, the original p1 and p2 ones.

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I would like a black one with a red rose and a half mask...( from phantom of the opera, im a big phan...) or a tama with stars and angels on it and clouds solid color blue

the tama charecters i wanna see are mimitchi, mametchi, kutchipatchi and furawatchi!!!i'd also like these little fellows!!!

:lol: :furawatchi: :furawatchi: :pochitchi: ;) :furawatchi: :nyatchi: :) :hitodetchi: :ph34r: :wacko:

oh, i also like memetchi too! :)
I already had all those charecters a few times!

I would love to have a tama with a beach theme or something tropical like a palm tree on the side of it or something. Or even different nature scenes like mountains, snow, beach, city (urban), space, country, ect would look quite nice.

I agree a colour screen would be awesome, also a see through case with lights that flash when the tama wants your attention, or plays games or when certain items are used.

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