What did you do today?


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Woke up.

Drank some coffee.

Practised guitar.

Practised piano.

Drank some more coffee.

Went online.

Did homework on the computer.

Went on TT/Tumblr/etc.

And here I am.

Woke up ( A struggle in itself)

Said good morning to my mum.

Gargled Peroxide.

Drank Ice Tea.

Got on here (As usual :3)

..... So no, I haven't done seven impossible things before breakfast. And I probably won't be passing out candy to anyone since I'm sick.


I have a 4 day weekend :D I'm more busy than I've ever been in my life. I spent the night at my friend's after Halloween last night, and I just got back at my house and I heated up a hot pocket. Now I'm on here.

woke up

watched Mtv

got dressed [kinda]

watched more Mtv

got a ride home

sat outside my house because I was locked out

finally got inside

internet :3


internet again



Woke up, did some reading/schoolwork, went and got a flu shot, came home, more reading, went to class, came home, and now I'm here!

Well, technically today started at midnight last night, so I was at a friend's house playing SSBB until, like, 3 in the morning. Then I slept until 11 this morning and ate breakfast/lunch. Then I went home and now I am doing a school project that's due in two days. But I'm almost done, so I'm taking a little break. And now I realize that today's almost over. ;-;

Woke up

got ready for schoolio

walked to the bus stop


did school stuff.

went to a crappy Hamlet play at the college.

got on the bus to go home

Went to the store


grandmas house


soup because I'm sick

AND HERE I AM, On the internet again.. o,o

Woke up (got to sleep in, finally!), hung around, went to pick a friend up to hang out, did some schoolwork at home with my friend, took friend out to eat (sushi, yum!), took my friend back to campus (he had a meeting to attend), came home, helped my mom with iTunes (her first iPod! :) ), and now I'm here! Gonna do some more hanging out, maybe watch something online, and head to sleep.

Woke up.

Got ready for school.

Got driven to school.

Had gym.

Had Biology.

Had French.

Went to Lunch.

Had Latin.

Had English.

Had Global History.

Walked home with Charlotte.

Arrived home.

Ate crackers.


And here I am.

Woke Up.

Dressed up because today was "Sexy Friday" in the music hallway

Drove to school with my neighbor.

Had all my classes, plus lunch.

Rehearsed with our band for show choir.

Came home.

Ate soup and a baked potato.

Put on pajamas.

Got on here.

And in a bit, I'm leaving for another rehearsal for the show I'm in.

Woke up, hung around, went volunteering, came home, had some dinner, watched Smallville, some more hanging around, some schoolwork, and now I'm about to watch House with my boyfriend. :)

Woke up.

Had breakfast.

Played Professor Layton and the Unwound Future.


Went to Francesca's to study with her, Kristen, and Allison.

Ate lunch.

Hung out with them some more.

Walked home.

Had dinner.

Went online.

Here I am.

Woke up, breakfast, Sunday service, came home, lounged around for the rest of the time. Truly a lazy Sunday. :) Now I'm hanging out, snacking, and watching a TV show online.

Woke up.

Went to school.

Sat through classes.

Drank Pepsi Max.

Sat through more classes.

Got bored.

Went to lunch but actually went to the computer room.

Here I am.

Woke up, hung around, went to class, got some gas for my car, came home, had dinner, now I'm watching videos online and contemplating on whether or not I should do some schoolwork with this headache I've got going on (most likely not :p ).

Woke up in pain.

Went to school still in pain.

Sat through classes in pain.


Woke up, did some reading, wrote a small paper, went to class, came home, watched a TV show, and now I'm here!

Woke up, worked on some assignments, did some reading and studying, went to class, went to the store, came home, had some dinner, hung around, and now I'm here! Gonna get up early so I can make breakfast for my dad. It's his birthday! :)

Woke up, hung around, continued writing this big paper I have, had lunch, more writing...and writing...and writing, surfed the net, dinner, still writing. :p

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