What do you find attractive about....


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I'm still a youngin, but whatevs.

Guys that are nice. Guys that are intelligent. Guys who don't try to impress girls. Guys who aren't all into the 'bad boy' theme. Someone who cares, no matter what. Someone who's there for you all the time. Someone with a good sense of humour. Oh, and honesty.

I don't care that much on looks, but someone who's somewhat taller than me would be ideal. Seriously, I only know of one guy my age who's taller than me :/ . Dark brown and messy-ish hair is attractive, though I truly don't care, if the guy's nice, it's good enough.

Though at the moment I'm not into dating and such, as they're ruining friendships between myself and a couple of friends.

I'm really picky.


Hair color isn't a huge issue, neither is eye color.

When it comes to weight, so long as they're not anorexic skinny, or bigger than me, there's not a problem.

Height, taller than me, which isn't hard to accomplish.

Piercings and tattoos are awesome so long as they aren't cluttered.

Clothes are an issue for me. I refuse to date people who dress like scene or emo kids. I hate that look, and I'm extremely judgmental when it comes to those styles. I honestly can't take anyone who purposely wears clothes that are way too tight seriously.


They need to at least have a high school education, or the equivalent. If you think Europe is a Country, you may as well just not talk to me. There's nothing I hate more than not being able to carry on a decent conversation just because the person on the other end is a complete idiot.

I like people who can make me laugh and have a good sense of humor, but at the same time know how and when to be serious.

I can't think of much else. I'm not interested in anyone and haven't really been in a while. People irritate me too much to bother with relationships xP

I'd want a hilarious, sometimes wild, guy. Sensible, smart, and knows when to be understanding and sensitive. Sensitive like, if I'm crying about who-knows-what (which is a rare event), he won't look like "OH SHOOT" and say something like "Stop crying" you know what I mean? If it's a sweet "Aw, don't cry. What's the matter?" plus a hug, I'll feel better already. ^^ Not a guy who's really attracted to pretty girls or impressed by them (my big brother is not really attracted by looks, so that's cool!), do not want one that's interested in touching and stuff. Hm, my perfect appearance for one right now? I'd better not keep this image too long or I'll never find the right guy 'cause of my imagination! XD Anyway. Tall, lean/lithe, black or brown hair (whether somewhat spiky or a little messy/shaggy, depending), light blue eyes and...well I can't describe the EXACT appearance.

Little (okay, BIG) addition to text:

The freaky thing was, I "made up" this idea of an awesome guy (for a best friend idea, not boyfriend) two years ago, I got a crush on someone one year ago, and after a few weeks, I realized he looked A LOT LIKE THIS MADE UP PERSON (and this made-up one hadn't been anything I really thought about, so I don't think I fall for guys who look like that person). Except one little difference was this guy I got a crush on looks like an ADULT version of the one I made up because he's 10 years older...gosh, that whole year was embarrassing. I'm not even sure if I still like him. I hope not. Having that crush was like torture. I hated feeling like I was "in love" when I knew I COULDN'T be. Also, although I liked some of his personality, his lifestyle kind of turned me off. I cannot STAND smoking or drinking or people who think premarital sex is okay and I'm sure they've done it. Thank goodness I've never actually met the guy. -_- I pray a lot to ask God to TAKE THIS STUPID EMOTION OUT OF MY HEART---and put it back in when I meet the right guy someday. :D Ya know what? All those funny facebook quizzes are right. To everyone else in the real world (aka off-computer), I act so practical and like "Romance? Pssh! Yeah, right", but inside, I actually would like a little sweetness someday. XD

Oh gee, I type a lot.

I like guys because they tend to have a better sense of humor!

Not to mention it's amazing how far some guys will go for the girl they love. :x

They're just fun to hang around! ^ ^

Not to mention I have a weekness for abbs. :x ...Yummy.

I love abs, dark brown hair, or golden blonde, like, that perfect shade.

I also love: guys who speak french, always compliment the girl who likes them/they like.

I'm massive on their hair. Not too long, not too short. That perfect flowy, yet in-between length is what I love.

But I hate ponytails.

I hate:

Fat, depression, when they stare at your chest, put you down, play with your hair too much, don't kiss you enough [or at all!], when they hit on your bestie, etc.

I can list what I don't like.


Buzz cuts.


Lack of literacy.

Thinks my random quirks are "gay" or "retarded".

Is all over me every minute of the day.

Doesn't care about my health or well being, only cares if it affects him in some way.

Constantly whines my name.

Addresses me with "Hoe" "Whore" or "B'tch". About a third of the guys in my school do this, replacing my name with degradatory terms, the most common being "Hoe".

Expects me to be perfect every second of the day.

Defends me in no way whatsoever.

Expects me to "forgive and forget" every wrong thing that he's done.

Okay, the last thing I said was very, very vague.

I like guys who can treat me right, and don't mess around with my emotions and feelings.

And if they can make me laugh and smile, that's a plus, too.

But I also like it when they're sweet and know just how to make me feel better if something's upsetting me.

Looks don't matter much, but hair that gets in their eyes is kinda a cute. Oh, and blue or green eyes don't hurt, either.

But, personality wise, they have to be kind and able to handle me. Being a little cocky isn't too bad, but if they go overboard, that's just annoying.

And they should be able to defend me somewhat.

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