What type of guys/girls do u like?


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When I come of age, taller and older than me.

But that's hard.

Because I'm tall. I'm 12 and about 5'3 or 5'4 or something.

I think the only person who'd be interested in me would be some ugly kid who hates everything I like. Oh wait. I know it is that way. Because it's a reality.

Looks don't particularly matter, but I've noticed that I find boys with darker hair more attractive..

I'd like someone sensible and honest, trustworthy, loyal, the whole package of a nice 'signifigant other' thrown into someone preferably taller than me, not too much younger, not too much older than I am. He would also need a sense of self respect and dignity, at the very least, which you wouldn't seem to find in many at my school if I know them as well as I think I do.

Oh dear. Not enough Nick to go around.


Oh, gosh...what do I like in a guy?

I like boys who aren't too skinny, but not too heavy either. So I guess you could say I like them in the average to muscular range. Preferably muscular. Just a little bit, though. I'm not really chasing after any body builders... :D .

I like boys who are taller than me. I also like pretty blue eyes, but I also know a boy with the prettiest, brightest, golden brown eyes. I like shaggy long hair on a guy, but not too long. Just long enough for them to have cute jagged bangs. Ooh, and when a boy kinda flips his hair, like out of his eyes or whatever, I think that's REALLY cute. I have no clue why.

Do you know what's weird? I tend to fall for guys who have a little bit of a trouble-maker side. Like, one time I had the biggest crush on this really cute guy who was a complete player (figures). He literally had more than 30 girlfriends in one school year (no joke). I also kinda like a guy right now who's a little edgy (okay, very edgy). I'm not attracted to their bad boy qualities, though. No. It just seems like the guys who I really fall for always have a bad side... ;) . I think that's really weird; especially for me, because I'm like a complete good girl. LOL.

I like guys who are cute and they have to be able to flirt. That's important. And funny is important. I don't really care what color hair they have ect. as long as they're not ugly or awkward.

I like them to be confident and has a good personality. Blah. X]

I'd want him to do very dorky things, have an unnatural laugh, use sarcasm, joke around, and overall be a very nice person.

For looks..I like guys with awesome, fluffy hair. :3

Has to be at least cute, smart, have a good sense of humor, has to be child-appropriate, can control their language, fun, and respect the kids in special ed.
Hey that sounds like me. But not the other guy my love likes.

I'd want him to do very dorky things, have an unnatural laugh, use sarcasm, joke around, and overall be a very nice person.For looks..I like guys with awesome, fluffy hair. :3
Wow that sounds like me too. :D

I like guys with girly features, long hair, glasses, and are thin.

I dont nessisarily care for the haircolor, just the hair type. It could be brown, black, white, pink, blond, whatever.

I like girls that are topheavy, unfortunatly.

but in the end, I just like their personality :3

Which varies. I like a lot of diffrent types, shy, outrageouse, perverted, sympathetic, you name it. I dont limit myself.

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dark hair (brown)

dark eyes (or blue eyes)

NOT FAT! (sorry but im not into big men )

funny and silly


has a good fashion style

likes to hug <3

I perfer looks sorry :l

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