What were you like as a kid?


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I was friendly. Very friendly.

I was really girly, too.

I was like...opposite of what I am now.

My dad scanned a few negatives of me when I was a kid.

My 2nd birthday

These ones are from when I was 4.

With my favourite teddy =] I still sleep with him.

Cheeky little witch. I made that hat.

Me when I was 10

I was a very creative and smart kid and I was very shy so I played by myself at school.

When I was at home or by myself I was happy and silly, but when I was around other kids I kept to myself and just enjoyed my own company. I was different.

I had no friends, but I was invited to a few class parties. I didn't really get involved in any group activities unless I was asked to. I was intelligent and had much more common sense than the other kids.

I had blonde hair which eventually got darker. It still has a bit of blonde in the front though. I still have the same blue eyes, except they have yellow in them now.

I'm basically the same personality-wise, except I have a few friends now and I blurt myself out all over the internet through videos.

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I was kinda mean and very mischievous ( I had such an attitude back then I get on my own nerves thinking about it lol!) I got in trouble alot at school for fighting alot I was an instigator ( Like Buttercup from Powerpuff girls lol) I'm still that way but alot nicer and more hyper lol. I was also kind of antisocial I'm more social now though ^^. All in all I love myself x3.

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I was very friendly to everyone when I was small. I didn't talk much, just smiled. :)

Oh, and when I was about 8, I tried drawing a faerie in the 'How to Draw' page on Neopets.

I tried Jhudora, but she came out really weird. o_O

At the last step, it said 'Give your drawing some colour and make it come alive!"

Rofl, I actually believed it. I coloured it(badly) and put it in the dark closet because I thought since I drew a dark faerie, that she needs darkness to come out. o___________O

[SIZE=7pt]I'm a shy type and friendly when i'm just a kid.But for now,still shy,friendly but becomes brave [/SIZE]

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I was obsessed with like the Winx Club and Powerpuff Girls. But before that, I made myself believe Pokemon were real and and for one of my birthdays; I asked for the same outfit as Ash. O.O

I was happy and chatative, but convinced myself I was a 'tomboy'. XD

I had two other brothers and one sister who was only about a year old, so I played with my younger brother.

I did have friends... All of the girls in my class, actually, but I think I was just weird.

Once, me and my brother got these tattoos in the shape of scratches and put them on our arms, then we drew little 'pirate' scars all over ourselves in green and pink cokeys. Those were the days ;D

In short: I was a freak. XD

Edit: typo.

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I was really quiet as a little kid. I was always the smartest girl in my class and everybody would always call me smart.

I was very friendly.

I used to spend hours thinking of the most absurd things.

Like robbers getting wedgies from a dog. :3

I was a nerd. I liked stuff like power rangers and pokemon. And I rolled down the stairs alot. ALOT. It hurt.

I was reeaaallly shy. Really.

Like, I would hardly talk to anyone. But for some reason, when I did introduce myself, I'd be all "HI! My name is Michelle Victoria Dawn -lastname- I'm 5 years old. I like Kitties and puppies and horsies and I live in a house!" I'd tell that to my Kindergarden teacher. And Other people. I was one of those "Cute little annoying shy kids"

I had that line memorized every day.

I also used to get teased alot. For liking Dragon Ball Z. That was back in grade.....3 and 4. It wasn't very fun.

But Now, I'm still shy, But If someone has something rude to tell me, I'll most likely tell that person off.

I was very.... odd.

I didn't have many friends, except for a few others who were into the same things as I was.

Those things included pokemon, digamon, beanie babies, neopets and videogames. I wasn't that much of a tom-boy, though, surprisingly. I failed at most sports.

I spent my days watching T.V, going to the park and forest and park with my dad, and going outside to ride my bike... but that was before I started going to school for the full day.

When I did, I never quite fit in with everyone else. Most of the kids had nice clothes, pretty hair, and clean features.

Me? I had long, dirty blonde messy hair that went in every direction. I never really brushed it. I had crooked, buck-toothed teeth which weren't very nice to look at.

I didn't quite have a good grip on fashion when I was younger, and this was my daily outfit for the most part: • Big fat ugly grey running shoes • Flood jeans • A weird, tiny top with design and a sweater

I would collect stuffed animals, and talk to them and play with them like they were alive. People thought I was weird.

I must have had 1000's of toys/stuffed animals, all of which I loved very much.

I was easy-going, and I loved animals. I would treat them so tenderly.... like they were my life.

Boys were always a part of my life, even though none of them liked me back. I was having crushes since the day I stepped foot inside a school.

I also used to have crushes on cartoon charcters, as crazy as it sounds... I "loved" Sonic, Olden (from Braceface), Augumon (from Digimon), and a few others.

I was also pretty smart growing up; I was an excellent writer, and studied hard at all subjects. This made me a straight A student, and teachers loved me.

I'd make wishes on stars, and pray before I went to sleep for silly tihngs... like my stuffed animals to come alive, or for characters in a T.V show come to my house.

When I was in the fifth grade, I started not to like who I was.... the girls made fun of me, and the guys thought I was an ugly nerd.

So I tried changing. I got a haircut, dyed it blonder, wear headbands and lipgloss.... people still didn't like it. They thought I was trying too hard.

I tried makeup. I would wear red eyeshadow or bright pink, along with pink lipgloss. I thought it looked good, but looking back... it didn't.

In the sixth grade, I began to lose my "nerdy" reputation as I wore my stylish clothes and better makeup. I got another haircut, and got bleach blonde streaks.

Now, in the seventh grade, I'm a totally different person.

I'm interested in boys, dating, makeup, style, dances.... all the fun teenager stuff.

I have ALOT of friends, and I'm starting to get lower marks in school.

I wear really nice makeup, I think now. I've improved.

But I think I've lost who I truly am....

I was really smart grade-wise, and I was extremely gullible and naive. and sensitive. super-sensitive.

And my mom said that up until I was about 13 months old, I was extremely happy. And then, out of the blue, I got a bad temper, and I would get mad easily.

I still have a fiery temper. xP

I loved Pokemon and Power rangers and digimon. and disney movies. I still love disney.

I always wanted to be the pink ranger.

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I was very.... odd.I didn't have many friends, except for a few others who were into the same things as I was.

Those things included pokemon, digamon, beanie babies, neopets and videogames. I wasn't that much of a tom-boy, though, surprisingly. I failed at most sports.

I spent my days watching T.V, going to the park and forest and park with my dad, and going outside to ride my bike... but that was before I started going to school for the full day.

When I did, I never quite fit in with everyone else. Most of the kids had nice clothes, pretty hair, and clean features.

Me? I had long, dirty blonde messy hair that went in every direction. I never really brushed it. I had crooked, buck-toothed teeth which weren't very nice to look at.

I didn't quite have a good grip on fashion when I was younger, and this was my daily outfit for the most part: • Big fat ugly grey running shoes • Flood jeans • A weird, tiny top with design and a sweater

I would collect stuffed animals, and talk to them and play with them like they were alive. People thought I was weird.

I must have had 1000's of toys/stuffed animals, all of which I loved very much.

I was easy-going, and I loved animals. I would treat them so tenderly.... like they were my life.

Boys were always a part of my life, even though none of them liked me back. I was having crushes since the day I stepped foot inside a school.

I also used to have crushes on cartoon charcters, as crazy as it sounds... I "loved" Sonic, Olden (from Braceface), Augumon (from Digimon), and a few others.

I was also pretty smart growing up; I was an excellent writer, and studied hard at all subjects. This made me a straight A student, and teachers loved me.

I'd make wishes on stars, and pray before I went to sleep for silly tihngs... like my stuffed animals to come alive, or for characters in a T.V show come to my house.

When I was in the fifth grade, I started not to like who I was.... the girls made fun of me, and the guys thought I was an ugly nerd.

So I tried changing. I got a haircut, dyed it blonder, wear headbands and lipgloss.... people still didn't like it. They thought I was trying too hard.

I tried makeup. I would wear red eyeshadow or bright pink, along with pink lipgloss. I thought it looked good, but looking back... it didn't.

In the sixth grade, I began to lose my "nerdy" reputation as I wore my stylish clothes and better makeup. I got another haircut, and got bleach blonde streaks.

Now, in the seventh grade, I'm a totally different person.

I'm interested in boys, dating, makeup, style, dances.... all the fun teenager stuff.

I have ALOT of friends, and I'm starting to get lower marks in school.

I wear really nice makeup, I think now. I've improved.

But I think I've lost who I truly am....
A lot of what you mention is completely normal, actually.

Everyone LOVED Pokemon and Digimon, and everybody collected Beanie Babies. My friends and I always pretended our stuffed animals were real. We all wished cartoon characters were real.

You're being too over-critical. That's all normal little-kid stuff you mentioned.

A lot of what you mention is completely normal, actually.
Everyone LOVED Pokemon and Digimon, and everybody collected Beanie Babies. My friends and I always pretended our stuffed animals were real. We all wished cartoon characters were real.

You're being too over-critical. That's all normal little-kid stuff you mentioned.
People I knew thought my interests were weird...even though to me, they seemed "normal" enough.

But looking back, I WAS a little strange...awkward, tall, and slim. Not athletic, not artistic... I wasn't overly skilled with many things. Writing was always a passion for me though.

Fun, careless, free. Didn't care about tommorow, I was stress free.

Loved it. Now, I am nothing like that.

I miss my old life.

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