What will be invented?


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
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What would you like to be invented but won't happen in your lifetime? It can be something totally unrealistic!

I would like a robot that could take care of my Tamagotchis when I die. LOL. Yeah, I know I'm a geek... :)

High caffeine and sugar soda with zero calories.

Diet Mountain Dew just doesn't take the same. -sigh-

And I would love a device that could pause time. Not even rewind or fastforward. Pause. I'm terrible to wake up in the morning - I always find myself wishing I could just hit the, "pause time button," on my iHome remote and sleep as long as I want. :p

with my luck, a live as long as you want machine could probably be invented the second afte I die. :)

maybe a digital life thingy. Like in Phil of the future, (yeah, I watch it, occasionally, go Phil!! in the future!) where he puts on little glasses and lives a gool electronic life. I would go skating like every day and play volleyball, and I'd have my own skateboard half pipe, that'd be the LiFe)

Hover cars :|

Ya know. Those things that in the 90's they said they would have by the time I graduated. Yeah. Not seeing many of those around D:<

That'd be my luck anyway.

Hmm... Fat free/Calorie free potato chips that don't taste like sawdust O:

Something that could bring me back from the dead. But by the time it is invented, I am too dead for it to work on me. Too dead? Wait, what?

All I will say is...

Alot of good things will be invented when I die/


High caffeine and sugar soda with zero calories.Diet Mountain Dew just doesn't take the same. -sigh-

And I would love a device that could pause time. Not even rewind or fastforward. Pause. I'm terrible to wake up in the morning - I always find myself wishing I could just hit the, "pause time button," on my iHome remote and sleep as long as I want. :angry:
I'd love that, mainly on the days Nick ends up on my porch, and we hug <3

I wish THAT could last forever.

A Pause button, just like you Cinderpelt! I could pause time and then kick and hurt my gym teacher all I want then unpause time and my gym teacher will feel all that pain and not know who did it. XD

I could also scare the crap out of my class by pausing time and then writing "School is stupid!" on the chalk board, then unpausing time.

I could also pause time and eat all my brother's candy, unpause time, and he would know I ate it all. XD

Ah, life would be great is mine and Cinderpelt's pause button is invented.

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