What would you do if....


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i will scream what is going on

WWYDI everyone did as you say

Be the ruler of Tamsynland Tell everyone to stop it and go home.

Then go home and curl up on the floor, sucking my thumb and thinking to myself (WHAT HAVE I DONE?!)

WWYDI I apparated and said with no emotion "hi"?

eat them never said they could be sour or gummy worms

WWYDI i said 12345678910

i would live ona cloud

WWYDI you met the real life yo mama

get her autograph and rip it up

WWYDI you met yo mama mama's mama

Get her autograph then rip it up then insult her! *sarcasm* I have the most original answer. */sarcasm*

WWYDI you met yo mama's mama's mama's mama?

Drink it anyway, a drink's a drink.

WWYDI my tama's band came right out of my tama then straight to your house and said "LISTEN TO OUR AWESOME ALL-GIRL POP MUSIC!"

I'd go 'Say whaaaaaaaaattttt????' and then dig a pit and live in the pit with my pet camel for a few days until I died.

What would you do if you saw a monkey doing the CanCan and it asked you to join in? Yes, this is a talking monkey.

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I'd join :)

WWYDI you were stuck in a hospital for the night. BTW, people die in hospitals. And you aren't a patient. ;P

Wink at the person who owns the nickle. This would freak them out.

WWYDI Beyonce and Lady Gaga came to your house and started singing "Telephone"?

Ask them if they've ever heard of one and that they should of called me before coming over. Then tell them that they are rude and shut the door.

Haha I make myself giggle <3

What would you do if your name started with a U

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