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I have an itchy eye x_x

And I keep forgeting im on TT so it looks like i've been on for hours xD.

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^ :'O

I told my brother that the chocoate cake was pumpernickel so I get it all to myself :)

Almost all of my characters are freaks in some way, just like me.

Eric is a very tall, lop-eared Nidorino with a grudge against any scyther he happens to meet, Probably because a scyther cut off his left arm and slashed his right eye. And Theo is a Weedle with blood-red eyes, odd markings on his face, and has two personalities, one of which Is clinically insane. Plus, during eclipses, he turns into a big two-headed snake thing and his heads (both of which have different personalities, although they're still separate, even when he only has one head) always argue amongst themselves. Oh, and when Theo has two heads, The crazy head has no pupils in his eyes, while the other one does.


I just ate a lot of chips.

I don't even really like them.

I'm just hungry.

For 1/2 the day I walked around with some scary make up on [Pictures later]

People kept staring at me.

I stood on the fence and looked at the children at the kindergarten.

I think they fear me.

I'm going ice skating tonight.

I have a social calender.

Next week our class gets a feild trip into town.

I dropped my camera with the lens open.

I then fixed my camera without banging it on my table.

When I was little and my parents made me go to bed, I'd tiptoe out of my room into the hallway so that they couldn't see me, but I could see everything going on with them, including the TV. So I would stand in the hallway for like an hour and watch TV, scurrying back in my room closing the door when I heard someone coming.

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