What's a random fact about you?


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I just thought my brother's half-eaten plum was my iPod speaker. ( didn't touch it thankfully )

I love taking baths too! 8D

I talk to myself...

I have hemophobia, and arachnophobia.

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Today was my last and final Netball game. :)

And we won. Scores were 8 - 6. We got 8! :D


I freak out if I don't have a warm shower and wash my hair every single night. Even if I'm sleeping over at a friend's house, I'll use theirs. xD

If I set my eye on something I like on a website, but haven't got any money at that moment, I literally stalk it to check it's still there for about three weeks. And then I get my allowance and buy it. xD

It makes me really sad when I watch hate videos or people being mean to other people. I learned that quite recently - the one thing I truly hate is hate itself. Odd.

I absolutely adore Picnik photo editor. <3

Last year, I won the prize for most effort in Spanish. Muy bien. :)

I'm going to the opening of the new Apple store in the closest mall so I'm getting a free Apple shirt! :)

I freak out if I don't have a warm shower and wash my hair every single night. Even if I'm sleeping over at a friend's house, I'll use theirs. xD
Same :D

I have a head cold.

Lemon tea is helping.

I am officially shameless x1000

I scare children.

^ I type with my two middle fingers, hahaaaa.

Typing with index fingers makes me make a billion typos. D:

- It's 10.27pm currently.

- My next door neighbour is obsessed with my playdough.

- I want Keeley on MSN this second. xD

- I am freezing at the moment.

- My cat made a warm spot on my bed and I like it. :)

I don't know why but that made me laugh.

We have to take a taxi from Toronto to my city. (4 hour drive) .. it's the cheapest option. And I dun want to do that :(

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