What's a random fact about you?


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^ It's the BEST. XD

I'm about to go wake up my mom and feed my Guinea pigs some hay.

(xD I'm sarcastic, too Krystal~ Sarcastic twins?)

I have to do school all week

Even though I'm on break

I was sick.

And now I have about five or six days' worth of makeup work

In every subject except English

My English teacher has been out

Her son is sick

I feel bad again

I have more facts:

I'm still in a blanket.

I legally married Sanosuke (lolwut).

I'm wearing my Link shirt.

I want to rip out my throat and kill it because it hurts.

I'm cold.

I want a bath.

I'll be home alone in a few minutes.

I just got home from school

I just ate two bagels

I have to get off the computer in 6 minutes so I can do my homework.

Okay, make that 4 minutes. ._.

i really have to go to the bathroom, but im afraid someone will read what im writing (i am very self conscious)

I tried taking a Tylenol but failed horribly.

I can't swallow huge pills...

I'm gonna make mom get me chewables.

My mom has to cut up my Tylenol and pit it in a banana so I could swallow it...

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My throat hurts so bad I want to kill something.I like the guy in the middle of Maria's avatar (Is that Andy? -shot-).

Oh and I watched Spirited Away last night. For the first time.


That, Krystaaal, is my favourite movie in the history of the world. (;

Well. Today I officially became a ninja.

I might be getting a family photo with Santa on Saturday!

I am waiting for my friend to reply to me via textttt. o:<

I randomly look at people's Facebook photos when I get bored.

If people have no Facebook photos, I put on my angry face.

I think Bradie looks adorable when he sleeps. :)

I'm in my High School uniform, even though I won't wear it again 'till next year. xD

Mum and I call cars 'arcs', and buses are 'USBs'.

My friends and I decided my full name will be; ''Aloner Ree Tard''.

But, from now on, you know me as Nia. NOT KSENIA. Nia. :)

I love circles and I can't stand squares. They're yucky.


KRYSTAL WATCHED SPIRITED AWAY?!That, Krystaaal, is my favourite movie in the history of the world. (;
Yayy. It's my new favorite. And Haku~ <3333 :D I love Haku.

And your welcome, Babytam. :)

I'm feeling a little better today.

I've had so much water. xD

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I got two teeth pulled out today.

My lips are numb.

I turned my phone off before that special person texted. D:

I want that special person to get their butt online now.

Mum picked me up from school at one.


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