What's a random fact about you?


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I just came back from the school celebration. :)

I won a cool looking academic award.. wooooooop.

I'm sad that Krystal and Weiwei have coughing problems. D:

I love Emily's Mika Move.

I'm eating strawberries. =3

I never really use the =3 emote. Haah.

We got to watch the Addam's Family movie today!


I'm listening to New Perpective <3

I can't stop singing Teenagers. xD

I played the piano on paper today.

Don't ask.

Me and Beth shouldn't be trusted on school computers.

Google is a bad place.

We laughed insanely.

Me and Jess are cooking up and evil plan. > :D

I've been skipping today, that's how happapppy I am!

This morning there was this creepy old lady sat behind me, who kept sighing and tuttting. It annoyed me so much. D:<

I tend to say "Meow" or "Rawr" when I have absolutely noting to say.

I never have anything to say. xD

I love Nickasaur!

Nickasaur talked to me on twitter TWICE!

I hyperventilated... TWICE!

I just lol'd.

I still love you.

I made cookies for my teachers and everyone called me a kiss-up.

I love every single one of my friends more than they can believe.

I've had way too much soda for one day, never mind the morning.

I have 30 things on nail polish on my desk.

I am thinking about putting fake toenails on tonight!

I love this one girl more than she even knows.

I keep hoping she will realize that I love her more than anything.

I don't think she is ever going to realize it.

I have a twitter account.

I am obsessed with Twitter.

You can follow me if you like, just ask me for my name.

Just a warning; I tweet like, 500 times a minute. I already have 2,228 tweets in all.

I still, still love you.

I can't stop eating the children. >D

I don't like people.

People make me mad.

I need more privacy.

My hair sucks...

I am going to go now.

I have a small cut on my lip. o.o

I played Wii for and hour and a half today.

That wasn't enough time.

I love Indiana Jones.

I'm in TamaCHAT.

I just texted Nicole.

I'm not hungry.

Here's an odd one that you guys might not know:

I'm very affectionate. I'm always like, "Hiii! *hughug*" So if you ever meet me, I'll probably hug you. xDD I just hope someday my husband won't get fed up with that. *Thinks* "Hi honey! *hug kiss hug kiss*" xD

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Today I had my High School Transition Day. [;

It was kinda weird ; High School's kinda weird in general.

I wanna be American so I can see Yo Gabba Gabba live.

I love my Gabba buddy. (LLLLL)

There's this huge thunderstorm so I went and stood in it. :) barefeet&&schooluniform.

I'm really happy it's the weekend now. :) I might go see Santa!

Malcom Turnbull is the coolest politician ever in my opinion.

I have to see Fantastic Mr. Fox with my brother soon. Amazing movie I think.

My kitty's in this room. WOOP.

I told Ksenia what to wear last night.

I read all the texts James sent Ksenia.

And all her replies.

James should never trust me.

im very random, sometimes at school when my friends are talking to me, i'll just look at them and say "you know what? chicken, kieran, chicken..." then i'll just wall away :3

and ive never used that Emote before :3

and i just came up with a swear one :#

I'm getting better! 83

I kinda want pizza.

Last night when I was asleep there kept being a stupid chunk of hair that thought it'd be fun to be in my eyes and face. xD

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