What's a random fact about you?


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I spent the last 2 hours abusing Hannah via text.

She spent the last 2 hours abusing me back.

I am a strategy planner for my 'company'

I text all day long, even during my seminar and no one noticed.

I think the guy on Jerry Springer who is marrying the silicon doll is somewhat adorable and cute. I feel a bit bad for the guy. x.X

I am texting and typing and it's confusing me.

I've been chewing gum all day.

My certificate got a sticker on it.

I stole my name tag.

I have 3 business cards. Le gasp.

Osama Bin Laden is shares a birthday with me ;;

I just got a Staples Easy button! I love it, though it's very slow. So my Easy Button has a delayed reaction Dx

As a kid, I got Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan mixed up.
i did that too hhha

I'm watching Family Guy.

I wish Ksenia was on.

I just watched 28 weeks later

I'm freaking out, that movie was SCARY

my parents are asleep

im all alone.

zombies are scary.

sooo scary, im soooooo scared of them

... O_________O

I've gone 1 day without sleeping, and i was surprsingly not crazy.

I have an obsession for pencils.

I get somehow offended when people say things like "duh" and "obviously".

I hate when i try to sit next to someone and they just stare at me like "wtf".

I love when children make rude comments about other people.

I love finding out that people leave near me so i can stalk them...

I once cut my thumb really deep while trying to cut my wrist, I started laughing insanely...

I love saying "JK" in a girly voice shouting it out loud while saying something rude or sad.

My dog is climbing up my back. and she's a BIG dog. O.0

At my birthday party, the theme was "famous singers" so Allyson came as Michael Jackson, and she then during "B-day part Idol" she was RANDY jackson, so I bugged her by saying "I"M MICHAEL JACKSON!" and so she's like "I"M FRIKKEN MICHAEL JACKON" so I'm like "I"M RANDY JACKON" and she said "I"M RANDY JACKSON" and that went on for 10 minutes, until she Messed up of Michael Jacksons name by saying "NO I"M MICHAEL JACKA**!"

Most epic. Moment. EVER! xD

I still want to dye my hair.

I love my dressing gown.

I love my online friendies so very much. <3

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