What's a random fact about you?


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I love MIKA. :D

I like Funhouse just because Hayley sang wrote it. I don't even like Hayley.

I'm eating Grainwaves right now and I love 'em.

I eat too much. Too much fat.

I wanna see Adelaide's new pandas (Wang Wang and Funi) at the Zoo soon !

I'm webcamming Michelle and I love her wig. :)

I love Krystal's avvie and siggy combo. <3

I'm begging my mum for my best friends gerbil, well her gerbils offspring! It's so cute, it's black and soft!

My mum thinks my cat will eat it.

I've got a new phone! :D

This year 7 called me pale, being racist to me, swearing at me and calling my family. I flipped out, and got in a fight with him.

My hair is getting very long, my mum wants to put blonde highlights in it, though I'm already blonde.... xD

I've got a new phone! ;)
Youre just gonna break it again...

- Volleyball game tomorrow!

- My parents dont want me to play, cause I'm slightly sick, but I say I'm fine xD

- I dont wanna do my hw ):

^ o; (LLL) Aw!

When I was little, I loved the sound of the printer.

I love Michelle's pet sheep Steve. He is seriously amazing and I wanna meet him.

I think that one day I might be the only one who can beat this mysterious 'David'.

Today I went to the Doctors and made an awesome Lego Kitty.

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→I'm a certified ANIME LOVER~~

→I can't survive a day if i'll not listen to J-Pop songs

→I hate insects

→I love editing pics at Photoscape

→I can't use photoshop T_T

→My pen name(in school) was Tokimeki Heartbeat

→I love Chocolate COrnet Bread

Youre just gonna break it again...
- Volleyball game tomorrow!

- My parents dont want me to play, cause I'm slightly sick, but I say I'm fine xD

- I dont wanna do my hw ):
xD You know me too well.

My phone is not yet broken.

Robin and I had a bet about who's going to make it to band class first (haha, we're always the last two people to arrive to band practice in the morning). Unfortunately, he arrived before me, and therefore, won the bet. :\

Then, I was supposed to give him a dollar because of the bet, but I didn't have a dollar at hand. So, I gave him a quarter instead. :p

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Steph and Maddi are my new sisters :)

That's an inside joke.

I love 'You're A Dancer, Not A Lover' by Blood On The Dance Floor <3

Today we got to watch real Tai Chi experts, a.k.a Ninjas, do Tai Chi.

And a Police Officer came and talked to us about random policey things.

I'm currently watching Simpsons. Seen this episode thousands of times.

I sound like a creep when I sing ; Meaning I can't sing. o:

There's only eight more school days left until Christmas/Summer hols!

I am addicted to Facebook. D:

I have officially decided Frogs are my favourite animal. I stole a Frog keyring today.

Jen and I found stamps on the teacher's desk so we stamped all our hands. :)

My last words were ''SO IRONIC!'' thanks to Mystery Google.

I miss Nicole and Chelsea. They're not back from Canberra yet.

I can't wait for 6PM tomorrow---ABC3 launch. :D

My internet just crashed but then it opened again and my post didn't get deleted.

It's taken me about 30 mins on this one post but I've done other stuff toooo.

I have ZUCCHINI PANCAKES for dinner. Ew ew ew ew ew.

I'm about to call Mariaaa. She texted me like 5 mins ago. o;

Ow, now I have a ticklish nose and I keep sneezing. Could I be sick?

I'm going to Emily's Birthday party on Sunday. :)

And Aquatics on Monday. Though I really don't wanna go for some reason.

I'm watching the 7PM Project now. Mika's gonna be on!

Mmkay, now I have to call Maria. So goodbye random facts.

I blocked Jenna on msn because she was p*ssing me off

I named my "sock baby" (a sock with two eyes and a mouth) Charlie

Charlie's dad is Anthony and the mum is Thomas

I laughed when Courtney refused to listen to Hotel Room Service at school today

I'm trying to find a new avvie

Diamond is seriously p*ssing me off these days...

Ceraphina is actually a penguin named Bob disguised as a human. :)

Megan is a genius. No questions asked.

I always get so clumsy and speechless when I'm around him... <3

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I feel artistic. xD

I just blew out a candle.

I have a song from the musical Razia's Shadow stuck in my head.

I think I might write a play soon.


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