What's a random fact about you?


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^ Holy. Can he draw? xDDD Oh yes. He's freakin' amazing but he won't admit it. x3

I'm going to bed now.

I was very bored tonight. xD

I found a song from "the Simpsons" on youtube.

It's called Señor Burns

It's 1 minute, 13 seconds long

I listened to it about 40 times straight

I LOVE the "scratchandscarface" video

I find it amusing how Krystal can't say "scratchandscarface" more than four times.

But then again, I can't say "scratchandscarface" more than three times. xD

I LOVE the "scratchandscarface" video
Awwh. x3 *Huggle*

I'm about to get to bed.

I was bored todayy. :I

I want to have a good dream. D:

And not one Ash'll make blatant fun of. xD

I really want to know what Jae's making a drawing of.

I love Aoshi. *shot*

I want to watch Howl's Moving Castle so bad you have no idea.

I charged my DSi.

I love this smiley. o3o It's like gawking. :)

I get cold easily.

...That could be a good thing...

^OMG Krystal, you posted that at 11:11 my time xD

I said "scratchandscarface" 7 times in a row fast yesterday!

But on the eighth time, it sounded like "Scruf-ash-ee"

I was eating pringles

But I put them away because my dogs tried to eat them

I need to go in Fun Stuff more often because all the cool stuff happens here !

Ever since I went swimming, my vision has been extremely blurry all day and I've been seeing double. it's crazy, I always click on the wrong topic xP

I just got back from Thomas Edison's house. they turned it into a museum and it's so pretty! The bedroom smells really nice XD

My arm is in extreme pain right now.

Because I'm wearing oversided PJ pants.

So when I was running into the kitchen to get an orange, I fell on the floor ._.

I'm peeling an orange right now.

I dyed my hair blonde last night.

Some of it looks lightbrown though.

So now I have dark blonde, lightblonde, lightbrown, and chocolate brown in my hair.

My arm still hurts.

^ I'm jealous. I'm a whole decade behind you x.x

I am going back to Canada todayy.

I had an omelette for breakfast.

When it becomes 2010 tonight, I'm gonna be on a plane 8D

I decided to randomly disable my signature for this post

I accidentally left the candy dish open.

When I took candy out of there, I noticed the fruit flies and spiders everywhere.

So I spit out the candy I had in my mouth and gave it to the dogs.

I don't think I'll be eating anything for a while x_x

I'm sitting in the car right now outside of a hotel room drinking complimentary hot chocolate.

I have a lot of homework.

Neko' date='January 01, 2010 09:46 am'] I am studying Japanese.Becasue, I want to move to Japan when I get older and become an Anime Artist and a voice actor.

Cooooooool. 8D

I just woke up. x_x

Lexi and Karly are still dissing me on facebook.

Now they told me that I'm going to amount to nothing.

They said nobody cares about me.

I get upset easily.

I'm depressed right now.

I wanna bash their heads in with a led pipe.

But I don't know where Karly lives, and Lexi lives too far away.

Besides, I don't know where to get a led pipe.

Even if I could, I'd probably just kick them.

And maybe punch them in the face a few times.

My life was better when Shenya was still around.

I hate the girls in my class.

They think they're all kind and "good girls".

But really, they're rich snobs who only do good in school so they can get a horse.

I find that really bias.

I lovelovelove Seinfeld.

I'm chewing gum.

I'm listening to Scream For My Ice Cream.

My shirt has SpongeBob on it.

I want to go back to sleep.

I actually have to do something with my hair.

I lost my voice.

I feel bad for Kay, because she doesn't amount to nothing, even though I barely know her.

I will help her find a lead pipe.

My sister is complaining about her foot hurting.

Tengo hambre.... [i have hunger/ I am hungry]

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