What's something you learned today?


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That this is my 1,000 post! O:

As my 1,000 post I would like to dedicate it to everyone in TT. Espiecially Ksenia, FeeBee, Michelle, Huntr, Katie, all the Guides and the Admin, Wei-Wei, and everyone else, even if you don't know me. I love you all.

^ I learned that Shayna partly dedicated her 1000th post to me, which makes me happy =D

I also learned that eating paper makes you constipated

That sinus pain can not be relieved by sticking rasberries in your nose.. -o

When I run around the school, it's not funny.

Dancing to Shimmy A Go Go with knives in your hand is never safe.

Singing Princess in the car gets a lot of people staring at you.

Natalie can sing Sway Sway Baby.

*Some shizzle about the universe, which I don't remember.

*Green beans are amazing.

*Choir is now my LEAST favourite subject.

*I now have a cold.

*Sarah and Jen like to fake crucify me, and than tickle me to death.

*I now like making lists using an asterix.

*All the populars are now obsessing over a kid called Benjamin.

*Mr K will never give Jen and I a coffee like he promised to ):

*Yo-yo's are now the latest craze.

*Yo-yo's have overtaken the lovely bouncy balls D:

*My wall clock is broken.

*I like to talk with smilies.

*My brother might finally give me a birthday present today.

*I am reasonably close to 3000 posts O:

*Jen writes a lot better and neater than I do. She deserves a medal.

*People are turning againgst Jen and I beause of our chalk squares.

*Gizza Gaybo Goodie Gunman is the name of a song that we shall write [ xD ]

*People are so up themselves these days. Sheesh.

*Kylie hates me and Jen because she badmouthed SS and we got slightly offended.

Ksenia likes asterixes.

Yo Gabba Gabba is a good time filler.

If you take lots of lollies from a class you will be shunned and not allowed in the class.

^^ Asterixes are now my new obsession :) *_*

*My brother got me a DS lite for my birthday! Ahhh, I love him to death! I got two games with it: Chibi Robo, and Whac A Mole [ 8D ]

*Jen has to stop texting at the most unconvenient times D:

*My brother was gonna get me the TV Hits magazine with SS O:

*I could've gotten a Legend Of Zelda game with my DS [makes me think of Krystal]

I learned more than I should have today.. x_x

I learned how to properly kneel down to a Thai teacher.

And what was the opposite of boring.. Exciting. I'm stupid.

And the opposite of Outgoing - Shy.

My teacher doesn't like it when I write "Lmao" once on the test paper. Sheesh.

He also doesn't like it when I write "Lol" or "Rofl".

And he HATES it when I can answer his jokes correctly. No, he can't trick me xD

My mom is too crazy about herself.. her beauty.. xD

Someone in my school might have Swine flu O: She's in the hospital now and they're checking. School also might be closed.. and that will be great, partly xD But the thing is.. I also don't want to be stupid :/

Swoccer is the best game since tic-tac-toe.

Telling your tummy to shut up doesn't work.

Letting the cat climb up the cupboard is a bad idea because she can't get down.

*Maria's letter from Michelle has arrived, yet mine still hasn't.

*Shaun and Mikee still aren't back to school :\

*Backwards slashes are awesomer than forwards slashes.

*Teachers like their students having online friends.

*My DS came with a case.

*Mummy only lets me on the computer for an hour at a time D:

*My birthday party is tomorrow. I thought it was the week after.

*Fluro pink textas are epiccccc.

*I learned a lot more yesterday, than today.

*Xanthia now walks to and from school herself. BIG GIRL.

*Maria's mum says Maria's cool xD

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