What's something you learned today?


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*I can kiss letters and it feels incredibly cool.

*Carrie and Ksenia really get along well.

*I can have a shower when the water's really hot but never any other time.

*My hair gets oily after 7 days without showering.

*My side fringe is shorter than Andy's hair.

*However, my hair's full length beats Andy's, Bradie's and Shaun's combined. :]

*My grandpa gets mad when I don't show him stuff.

*Cathy loves Sway Sway Baby.

*I can play Princess on my recorder.

*My Stardoll profile PWNs. :]

*I have a cool post count.

*My friends are convinced I'm pregnant with Andy's baby.

Lol :]

*Maria has a Stardoll.

*I should get one. :3

*Everywhere i post in any forum, it said read, no new posts

*I had a bruise, not realizing it for a week. lol.

*Carrie's uber daft

edit: change of language choices. Stop swearing Joodii. Dx

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I learned that Obama voted for himself.

I learned that presidential candidates are allowed to vote.

I learned that my dad works late on Fridays.

I learned that my dogs eat bugs.

I learned that when you go to eat supper, spit your gum out. It goes stale after you put it back in your mouth when your done eating.

I learned that I'm weirder than I thought.

I took a picture of the guy I like's rear end, and I didn't think it was weird until now...


-That Andres Cares about me:)

- That I talk to him way to much. He's becoming clumsier.

- That he could care less about the reason listed above.

- That Michael doesnt answer texts.

- That I'm going to NY tomorrow.

- I haven't eaten anything all day and it's 9 PM.

- That Jose will be online in an hour!

-That Andres doesnt reply? Three minutes oh no!


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