What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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When the food store keeps moving food. Roughly 20 times a day it seems... Way too many times if you ask me. I nearly broke my lid trying to find one thing. One silly thing... Amounst other things going on in the store.... That one is major right now.

When people mispronounce my name.

It's Ohn-yah.

Not AYN-yah

It's spelled Anya.

It's 4 letters long....get it straight already.

its not so much of a pet peeve anymore cause i get it so often but it annoys me when people call me tar-a(as in tar) rather than my actual name tara(t-air-a) D:

When people take my stuff/ideas/cookies/etc. without permission. Just because it's old or I don't use it anymore doesn't mean I'm okay with people taking it.

Dropping anything.


Overpriced things on eBay.

Did I mention getting my ideas being used without permission?

um usually when i'm asked why i'm a vegetarian?

people just can't seem to just say "oh you're vegetarian? that's cool." they always have to ask why and it gets very annoying

when i'm upset pretty much EVERYTHING bothers me :L

Seeing this everywhere


Being ripped off....

2 months ago I bought a packet of Zinnia seeds, one of my favorite types of flowers. They're so beautiful and I would love to have them.

So I planted 4 seeds in a big flower pot, and I watered them diligently. When the seeds sprouted I was beyond excited, buying fertilizer, watering, talking to the plants (yes, I know it's weird......hehe) and then the plants grew to a foot tall. They started looking off.....3 plants were tall, but one plant was completely different, looking like the others but very tiny and very shiny. So about a week ago I found that all of the plants had sprouted white flowers the size of dimes, looking NOTHING like Zinnias, and they had also grown bunches of green berries.

I showed my mom.

"Why did you plant weeds?"

AUUUUGH!!!!! :angry:


I am so angry....I paid $5 for top-quality, high-success seeds and I WASTED $5 ON WEEDS!!!!!!!

Squishy toiletseats! Yes, they're comfy and all, but...ewww!

Overcooked food


When people do fake coughing and fake laughing

When people do fake laughing.

And when people cough, sneeze, or yawn so loudly you can hear them on the moon.

And when Dazzmina brags about having 32 tamas.

people who still call me TicTax even though they know my nickname is Savy. its like I'm so done now. I thought you knew my name was savy by now

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People begging for stupid things (one specific thing in mind, but I won't tell)

These numbers: 6, 13, 4


Waiting for the dryer to finish my laundry



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Snipers on e-bay


My itchy cat acting like she wants to pet you, but then suddenly ripping your hand to shreds

People at school going, "Oh yes, Noodle's the smartest person here! She can answer this for us!" or a teacher saying, "Oh, Noodle, can you help those people on this" when I really don't get it myself. JUST BECAUSE I'M IN THE GIFTED PROGRAM AND ALL THAT DOESN'T MEAN THAT I'M THE SMARTEST PERSON IN THE WORLD PEOPLE OKAY?! I'm calm now.

People walking slow

People staring over my shoulder at what I'm drawing or doing on the computer

Sour Strawberries

The burning sensation of Blistex

My sister's extremely hard head that I always seem to bump into (I got a swollen lip from that boulder yesterday. :( )

Girly girls

Gossip yes, person over there, I know you're talking about me

Too many Sharpies uncapped in a room at once the same goes for Expo markers

My friend writing on her hands. There's this wonderful invention. It's called paper.


That's the major ones at the moment. I shall certainly add more as I think of them.

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