What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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When people say they "NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEED" something they don't really, actually need (e.g cell phones, FB, laptops, etc).

That Christmas is so far away.

People who act like their just top dogs because they have money and are dumb as heck. People who interrupt class and don't listen (don't come at all!)

Smokers are terrible, and I hate homophobes.

My major pet peeves:

  • The word 'YOLO'...please, just dont say it.
  • The word buggy.
  • People who act dumb because they think its funny.


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  • 'Swag'
  • The word 'Swag'
  • People who use the word 'Swag'
  • People who use it and take it seriously
  • The fact that people use it as a credible trait for friendship/personality.
  • Just don't use it doesn't make you look cool okay.

Seeing stuff like OMG, WT<insert random letter here>, IKR, OM<random letter>G everywhere. I think some of them stand for inappropriate words or something, but I'd rather they not be used at all. They're so overused that I see them hundreds of times a day.

Add this to my list:

I am annoyed with myself when my brain thinks the opposite of what I want it to think, yeah, I know, it's weird

It's also really annoying when people have wrong grammar ESPECIALLY when they don't use your and you're, they're, their and there and wear, where, we're and were correctly

people who wear too much make up (seriously, they overdo it and it makes them look worse)

when people are always telling me to gain weight

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people who are annoyed by typos on chat

dude they're typos, just chill

My greatest pet peeve is rather specific. I can't stand it when people interrupt someone mid-sentence and finish their sentence for them... Often times the person finishing the sentence is incorrect about what was going to be said in the first place.

Another pet peeve of mine, when people always borrow stuff from me, it's ok every once in a while but if they keep doing it constantly then I get annoyed but I don't get annoyed because they keep asking, I get annoyed because they become too dependent on me. Last year I had a classmate who always did that, he even lost my eraser (it was the best eraser in the entire world I'm serious) and a few of my pencils and ballpens, completely irresponsible :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Underestimation. I hate when I start something new and someone says sarcastically, "Good luck!"

Yeah, maybe you needed luck because you failed at it, but I'm going to do extremely well given hard work and the dedication you clearly lacked to see it through. ....oh, and I have college degrees to prove that I can see through whatever I set my mind to. Jealousy?

Drivers who don't use their turn signals when merging. I'll be cool with you if you cut in front of me with your turn signal on but if you don't...GRR!

^ That!

Also, I seriously think this is just me, but when people have their mouth part ways open... it's really hard to describe... but here is a picture: https://cdn.1920x1200...0_feb222010.jpg

UGH!! And it's not just Kristen Stewart (Although she started the Pet Peeve!!) because I see it all the time in models, people I go to school with at my University, and my friends do it to me because they know it pisses me off. xD

This guy who sits in front of me in homeroom and tips back his chair which bumps my desk... I just wanna get some scissors and chop his spiky mohawk clean off... -.-

The other guy who sits to the right of me in homeroom who has a mustache... O_O'... and wears some horrible cologne or something that makes me feel sick... it smells so bad..

My mechanical pencil breaking and me not having any other lead or pencil....

^ That!

Also, I seriously think this is just me, but when people have their mouth part ways open... it's really hard to describe... but here is a picture: https://cdn.1920x1200...0_feb222010.jpg

UGH!! And it's not just Kristen Stewart (Although she started the Pet Peeve!!) because I see it all the time in models, people I go to school with at my University, and my friends do it to me because they know it pisses me off. xD
But I have to do that whenever I have a stuffy nose which is pretty much ALWAYS just so I can breath through my mouth lol

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