What's your current MAJOR pet peeve?


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when my dad turns off my air conditioner because "WE'RE WASTING MONEY ON ENERGY" like no i need it on because it takes 2345678 years to cool my room and the night is hot

fake chinese PSPs costing a lot and taking until september 5th to get here (YES THERE IS ONE ON EBAY TAHTS WOULD GET HERE ON 9/5/14!!!!) also this guy on tumblr called *removed* who is calling me slurs and won't stop even after i told it to 3 times
Why do you like getting fake stuff :p

Also I hate it when people try to annoy me on purpose then later ask me on why I'm annoyed by them :blink:

Awesome voice actors being in garbage cartoons. I want so badly to show my appreciation and help them stay in work, but some of the shows they appear in are just too awful for me to stomach watching. I feel sorry for them. Some I've met in person and they're such nice people. I hate seeing their talent go to waste.

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"Are you Chinese or Japanese?"


"Are you North Korean or South Korean?"

If I was North Korean would I be standing here talking to you?

"Anyone you like?"

Unless you're my best friend I'm not going to tell you.

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

See above.

When I'm in class and the girl next to me is talking. Yes, I think Germany is HRE. Can I finish my worksheet?

I'm in the middle of a really good book when my brother needs me to come with him to the bathroom. Hello, do you not see that Blackstar lost a life? And it's not dark or anything, go by yourself!

I worked really hard on a sketch and my brother scribbles all over the back of it. In pink pen.

"Why are you being rude?"

I'm not trying to be rude, would you rather have me lecture you about the difference between North Korea and South Korea for 30 minutes?

I throw away my lunch tray and when I come back my water bottle is gone. My book disappeared too. Why do I eat in the cafeteria?

When I endure the taunts of my "friends" for 30 minutes and when I finally tell them to stop I get this response. "Gosh Kathy, anger issues!"

Getting teased about my crush/ex-bf. I trust them with a secret and suddenly they get very loud when he walks by. Yes, I can see him! I'm not that blind.

The size of Planet Earth. I wish it wasn't so big! If only it were so small, I just had to take a five minute walk and jump over a puddle in order to reach my long-distance boyfriend.

When something bad happens, like that Malaysian plane that got shot down, and there are all these silly annoying people who are like "Hurr durr Fake! it ,Didn't happen ! !!"

When I ask something and people feel the need to explain over and over. Please, I'm not stupid, I can understand the first time.

When I ask something and I get a rude answer, and the people answering my question act like I'm an idiot.

Getting insulted/scolded. I'm sorry but getting scolded by someone who's not my parents/teachers will put me in a bad mood. Getting insulted will put me in a horrible mood and I will lash out.

Saying you're in a bad mood will get you labeled as attention-seeking.

Writing a about me that explains why you act the way you do will also get you labeled as attention-seeking.

When people ask me to change my profile. I spend 20 minutes writing and 10 minutes after I post it people start telling me to take it down, it's scary. Well then don't visit my profile! Why do I always have to be happy?

When people jump to conclusions.

"Don't kill yourself..."

I'm scared of death. I have said this multiple times.

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TV break-ins/ Special reports from the news. Its important but uhh, other ways to do that. *sigh*

When I say I got the message and people keep trying to explain anyway... Its so very annouying.

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- YouTube Ads

- The fact that the Tamagotchi Friends advert airs on 26th July, not today.

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- YouTube Ads
AdBlock Plus is a lifesaver. I have no idea what I'd do without it.

My internet connection being so slow. Some days I can load up a half hour long video in 720p in a just couple minutes, other days it takes the same amount of time to load one in 360p that's less than a minute long.


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