When and how did you last injure yourself?


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I was at the wedding and tripped over some person when we were leving the church.

Though really, everyone was tripping over. It was packed AS.

I just spent the last 3 hours with Charlie. I think I've been through the worst pain of my life.

She pushed me off her top bunk, I was pushed off the bottom bunk as well, onto a pile of pointy childrens dolls. I could list about 10.

I've just came back from the wedding AFTER-PARTY.

I was pretty much the only kid there and everyone was really really drunk and acting all mentally retarded and there were a few really un-pleasant people up on the stage dancing. So I just hit my head on the table, though it was a little bit too hard and I spilt a little bit of mummy's wine.

I'm pretty sure I burned myself with the flat iron a few days ago...

Of I bit my tounge/cheek... x_x;

I fell off the swing going full power into the air. I landed just before the grass on my butt soo my lower back and butt hurts.

Yesterday during Social Studies when I was putting a textbook back in the cabinet and talking to my friend, I whacked my head on the door and fell backwards.

There's a huge bump there now. D:

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2 seconds ago. I was holding my baby brother and I wasnt concerntraiting so I tripped over my other brother and we fell into a wooden chair and rebounded onto the floor. He hurt his arm and head I hurt my ribs my arm my neck and my leg Lol. All trying to protect him I took the damage.

Last night I fell off mum's bed in the dark because I thought there was a wall next to it, but turns out the bed was in the middle of the room and there were stacks of videos next to it.

It sorta scratched my hand.

I fell off the couch onto little hard plastic things on the floor. My mother laughed. Then she was all, "Krystal, are you okayy?"

Ouchies. Dx

I was riding my bike on a baseball diamond, and then I fell. I got a HE-UGE scrape on my elbow, and a samll one on my knee.

When I went to walk in my bedroom, but my sister Kathy was there and closed it in my face! >.< Ouch.

Maddy woke me up. He rang and Jacob answered and when he said I was asleep Maddy told him to wake me by throwing the phone at my face. Hit my nose and woke me. It hurt!

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