When and how did you last injure yourself?


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Well this isn't an injury

But I have a zit that I popped various times and when I picked it, it bled O:

I went over to my guy friends house today and he was mowing and I ran through the backyard after he mowed and I stepped on this sharp plastic thingy. It hurt and it sliced my foot O:

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I jumped to catch a frisbee, got tackled by a guy, which pushed me sideways, which made my foot land sideways. And now it's swollen-ish >=[

Ankle. Again. The same way as last time, and now there's a bruise on my foot.

When I drew for about an hour, my elbow is soo sore. OWIE.

My last bad injury was last year when I played netball, I tried to intercept the ball and fell over and hurt my foot. And it was right after my sister hurt her wrist on the same day.

The TV sorta fell on me when I was fixing it.

That's how the screen cracked.

But I ended up fixing it! :)

Scenario: Two guys throwing water bottles at each other and I happened to be seated right in the middle with my nose buried in my Biology homework. One of the guys missed and the bottle went flying towards me and hit me right on the nose. Got a little red, but that's about it.

Me and my friends were playing around outside trying to immitate our favorite characters from Open Book. Of course I was Svenja, so I'm like "Outta my way!" and then I shoved Madison out of the way and tripped over Mallory's foot. xD and scratched my nose on a tree branch, and I'm like "Now I guess we're at the part where Svenja gets blinded."

lol It hurt.

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