When and how did you last injure yourself?


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Yesterday I scratched my face a lil' bit , but I had sooo sharp nail that my face started bleeding a bit. ;)

Yesterday in Gym we were playing some Peg Board game... you had to hold yourself up in a pull-up position and move the pegs, and yha hard to explain.

My stomach aches though 3:

Yesterday I slipped and fell after cleaning the floor.

Today I just tripped trying to get my flip-flops off

Most of the time I'm with my cat she just scartched me before.

as in proper injury or a miner ???

if it is a proper injury i spraind my wrist and broke my coller bone like 4 years ago thas it

if in miner injury i, was running and my knee went out the wrong way ochhh, triped down a curb tripped over a bin and car tyer, fell down the stairs 2 time, fell of the chair loads of chairs lol XD

loads of injurys

I was carrying this huge bag of sticks and now my arms ache. Like, really badly. ):

But my worst hurting-scene was when I was a wee young lass. I was running into the sand pit, and it was one of those brick ones, and I smashed my head onto the edge of the wall. Lots of bleeding and crying. I still have the battle scar. But luckily it's right at the tip of my head, so my fringe sort of hides it. But my fringe is getting too long now, so it's like merging into the hair on one side of my head.


I hate that darn wall. D:<


was brushes my dog with a sharp brush and jabbed it into my shin =P

I was making toast and the smoke alarm started going off I ran into the kitchen and I burned myself trying to turn off the toaster. Mummy started shouting at me saying "Most kids your age can make dinner and you can't make toast" She hurt my feeellinnggs ):

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