When and how did you last injure yourself?


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Hmm, lemme think..

Today at school, we were doing a play. I was being the lobster, and was pretending to be eaten by a shark. So, I dropped down onto my butt, on the cement, and slammed my hand onto the cement as hard as I could. It was pretty painful.

Oh, and I could've sworn I either cracked or moved my jaw in a very weird way, so I couldn't move my jaw for a few seconds :/

OMG I LYK WALKD IN 2 A WALL :angry: :angry: LOLOLOLOLOL XD 8D :angry: :angry:

No, I sorta cracked my finger and it hurt.

Like, really really badly D:

I cut myself [by accident] with my x-acto knife.

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I was on a big exercise ball, and I fell off backwards and hit my head on the side of a chair.

It does not get much worse than that.

I walked around with one of those wrapping bandages on my head. x_o Ouchies.

When I was sumo wrestling with Akuch using the giant exercise balls *hi-5's Krystal*, we ran too hard and it made the ball go flying in the air and I fell.

Lololol, that was really fun.

It was my first week at my new job, and I was making a cup of tea for some random person. I was using a small lever on a coffee machine to get the hot water into the cup. I was just about to stop filling the cup, when the water pressure in the small tap changed, and sprayed hot water onto my left hand.

The sudden surprise of the water on my left hand caused my whole arm to jolt, thus spilling boiling hot water on my right hand. My hands were stinging so much that I got sent home from work. On my first non-training shift.

Oh well. At least I didn't have to work a long shift! :wub:

I was just in the shower, and the water was too hot.

It burnt me. But not severely. I have red feet though O:

And this isn't an injury, but I spilt some water on the floor just a second ago.

It's an injury to the floor, I guess :)

Today, at lunch, I was talking about Budgewoi. Carrie just goes 'FUDGEBOY?'.

I fell on the floor, laughing. I scraped my knee.

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