Where did you learn about Sex?


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I took it upon myself to research sex when I was 8, in the third grade. So I originally learned about it on the internet. Then as time went on I learned even more from school and my parents.

I first learned about it from my mother. I think I was either 8 or 9...

She was really good at explaining it too. Without over doing it.

I found it very fascinating. And a little bit confusing. xP

Luckily we had these puberty books or whatever, that we read together.

i learned about sex pretty young, when i was about 4 or 5. im not sure my exact age i learned about it.

Learned the basics veeery early. x_x''Well I guess when I was in about grade 2, I learned that sex existed and thats when all my friends started talkin' bout it and mentioning it in conversations. So thats when I learned the basics and that sex exists.

In grade 5 I started to learn what actually happens and learn the process of it all. Thats when I learned how long you're pregnant for, about abortion, etc.

I still don't think I know absolutely everything about it. I truly hope my class isn't deprived of sex ed this year, so I won't go to high school not knowing a thing.
For me, it's pretty much the same.

I guess I learned that sex, uhh, existed? when I as young. But I didn't exactly learn what it was until I was in 5th grade. I pretty much learned from my friends, the internet, etc. before my parents talked to me about it or we learned in school.

Humm. Media, I'm sure, at a young age. Probably around the age of six or seven from movies. From what I understood, a man and a woman got naked and apparently enjoyed themselves once the screen went black. Ha.

And, after that, I learned about puberty and 'how things worked'. :p

Now, from media and perverted guy friends, I know more than I'd like to.

I learned about it at age 8 from a 7 year old friend lol. I did know a bit about it before that, but she taught me like... Everything o_O.

When I was eight, my Dad sat me down and gave me The Talk. Diagrams and everything.

Most. Awkward. Experience. EVER.

Sadly, I probably first, er, "saw" it for myself when I was two.

I "learned" everything when I was nine.

[SIZE=7pt]I got 'the talk' from mum in grade 4 or 5, but I can remember very clearly that I wasn't surprised.[/SIZE]

I can't remember where I first heard about it though. :/

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[SIZE=14pt]I've known about it since I could walk talk and read ( so roughly when I was 3-4 I learned ) Blame my mom for not being able to hide her med school books xD[/SIZE]
I learned sex existed when I was in second grade I think.

I actually learned what it was in fourth I think.

My mom kept bugging me about giving me "The Talk", but I would always refuse. :'D So she just got me this one book, I think it was called "Girlology" or something, and made me read it over the summer before fifth grade.

I learned about periods and stuff in fourth grade though, when I actually got mine. D:

I never asked any of those questions when I was little about where babies came from or anything, according to my mom.

Family Life was in fifth and sixth grade, and I have yet to find out what's in store this year.

Oh, but I've learned much much more than I ever needed to from the internet.

I'm really not sure. x3

I think my friend explained it to me when I was around 8. xP

My mom hasn't had The Talk with me yet. For which I can only say, I am grateful. xD

I was round my friend's house once, and we walked into the kitchen and there was a book called 'Let's Talk About Sex' splat on the table. Embarrassing. Dx

And then we found out it was because her mom wanted to talk about it to her younger brother. She came upstairs and said she was sorry about that and everything. Awkwarrddd.

What's sex?

Jokesssss! I actually dunno where I learned it. Probably the boys at school when I was about 6. I can remember I already knew about it when I was 7, not in much detail, but I understood it was something 'dirty' [i was 7, of course it's dirty] anway, that's a long story.

My mum's never had 'The Talk' with me either. She know's I know what it is. I'm 12, there are many pervy boys at my school, I won't even go there. xP

Other: I figured on my own. (I'm a curious little kid)
Me too. :) freaky. But it was like, 3rd grade. so 9 or 10.

I'm sooo happy I haven't hade "the talk" I dont want it.

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I learned that it "existed" in about 2nd Grade. My friend and I found a page of porn on the side of the road. x_x;;

Then I found out what it "really was" when I looked it up in a dictionary in 3rd Grade or so, because my uncle showed me a song singing about sex. I still remember a few lines from it... I believe that song pernamently scarred me.

And then in 4th Grade came the internet.

I've never gotten "the official talk" though. I've gotta two talks throughout my life from my mum, which were sexual harassment and PMS. And I never learned anything from school. My dad thinks I'm "too young" to be learning about this stuff.

He has no idea.

Edit: Typo

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