Which do you like better, TT or nonTT?


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I like non tama talk because I don'tlike tamas anymore.

The website nontt, am I right?

Well I like TT better. It's what I'm used to, and it's the site all my new, lovely friends are on. I can't ever imagine going on nontt.

TT defintly.

I'm not sure if I actually like Nontt.

TT. Like K time said, I'm used to it. And all my friendehs are on, and we roleplay and post about sitff. And on the TT chat I an call everyone a duck ;D


I'm not actually old enough for NonTT, as strange as it sounds.

Oh, theres a web site non TT? oh I like TT better.

I like TT better.

I don't like nonTT as much because I'm used to this ;]


I went on NonTT once.

I didn't really care for it.

I like TT more.

NonTT is full of drama and everyone seems to have a "holier than thou" attitude. It was fine when it first opened, but now it's just not enjoyable at all. I do lurk once in a while to read the WTF News stories, but that's about it.

TT is just more friendly.

I like TT so much better. I used to like nTT a lot until people started getting that weird attitude, like SK said, but nTT just doesn't feel as welcoming TT does. I guess that's because I like more people on TT than nTT.

I like TT the best because all my freinds are here and it's always so freindly and welcoming. I'm used to this site.


TamaTalk FTW. Absolutely love it here. More people just seem to be active and online on TT more so than NonTT. I must've had an account ages ago on NonTT but I forgot about it almost as soon as it was created. Designing the profile was such a pain, I gave up halfway through. Given that NonTT was for the more "mature" members, they seemed to have this jerkish attitude which I loathed. Of course, most members were nice. Just a few of them that I felt were a little too...how should I say this?...eh, I dunno. The people here make me feel comfortable and it's practically the only (and first ever, mind you) forum I'm on. Not to mention how friendly the people here can get XD.

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O.O I just realized that I'm old enough to sign up on there XD

EDIT: tamatalk. I just looked at the site and I didn't like the topics. ._.

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