Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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yeah but isnt throwing tamas in a cold bucket if water damaging property?? they should get compensation!! lol.

don't leave your tama on pause, it slows the growing process and the batteries will die quicker. What i do with mine is i keep it in my pencil case and check on them every 30 minutes, a tama cant die in 30 mins even if its a baby so thats safe and everytime u go in your pencil case you can jus say u r gettin a pencil!! B) :p :unsure: :D :p :wacko: :wacko: :) B)

Ah, I used to take my old Gen1 to school a lot. It was until it once died on me in the middle of class out of nowhere (it's age was 85) and it startled me so much that I am actually AFRAID of the death scenes, like traumatized afraid.

I have no idea why I have this feeling either.

But why should you have your tamagotchi in class? :huh: .You are at school to learnand get a good education that will help later in life.Do not play with your tamagotchi in

class it is going to be taken away by whoever is teaching you.Do not play with

your tamagotchi in class here are risks:


1.You will have it taken away.

2.If it gets taken at the beginging of the day it will die by 4 hours

3.You will not get a good education.

4.You will be embarssed if you get it taken in-frount of class.



Its for your own good,Do not play with it or

suffer the consurqwensers. ;)



Best of luck:

:blink: Young Robot :blink:
I put it in my desk... all the time! The teachers never noticed! And I lied one time in 5th grade when the V1s were out, I forgot it in my desk so I grabbed it. The teacher asked, "What are you grabbing?" And I said, "A pencil sharpener... Why'd ya ask?"

free the nation, no education! *clap,clap,clap,clap*

we aren't even alowed to bring marbles to skool, r u kidding me?

in science only. our teacher just puts on a movie or gives us sum crap to read in a book. all he does is sit at his desk, at his computer. doing what? well once when i wuz getting an email from the printer for my computer applications teacher, i found an email that my science teacher wrote to my 6th grade science teacher talking about meat people. I KID U NOT!!!! i hope 8th grade will be different. the 8th grade teacher has a tama and likes to blow stuff up!!!

I keep mine in my pencil case and check it every now and then. I don't play on it, I just get rid of it's poo and feed it.My teacher told me about one school that had gathered up all the pupil's tamagotchis, every single one, and dumped 'em into a bucket full of cold water. How cruel. If they had tried to make me hand over my Tama I would have thrown a fit and refused.

All my love, Raspberry. :wacko:
I think that the school should not have been allowed to put all the Tamagotchi's into a bucket of cold water. I think it would just be cruel.


What i do since pausing stunts it's growth and wears at the battery if left on for a while I set the time to midnight so my tams asleep and during the consecustive breaks for lunch and recess i set the time to normal. and when the bell rings.. Back to midnight!

What i do since pausing stunts it's growth and wears at the battery if left on for a while I set the time to midnight so my tams asleep and during the consecustive breaks for lunch and recess i set the time to normal. and when the bell rings.. Back to midnight!
i do that...but i usually leave it at home...when i took it to skool it kept pauseing itself in my binder...and i couldn't leave it in my locker cuz our skool does daily locker searches to check for drugs and they take any type of electronic besides the laptops for certian classes and puts them in the office and your parents have to come get them. :huh: it sucks.

I play with my Tamas in class, Eh I refuse to leave them in my locker, Lockers are for Bookbags and drawings and School stuff, And I never have got caught except when I told my teacher in 5 grade, Just be careful, I keep mine on my ID Lanyard

i play with my 2 tamas all the time in class. i have never been caught!! and im in the 10th grade! and for your info im acing all my classes, playing with my tama's dose not affect my education.

:huh: Trail Mix :(

I finished school in 2002, year 12 it was, and had been playin with my tamas since they first hit the shelves, i had like 9 or 10 at one point.. my teachers hated them, used to call em stupid and make all sorts of comments about how i needed to learn "Responsibility", Duh!! What do they think i was doing, baking a cake? I had several tamas taken off me and locked in the teachers desk, once 2 or 3 died and it sounded horrible :blink: hearing my tamas drop off one by one without being able to do anything about it!! I threatened to burn the school down (not advised... trust me) and they called my parents into the office and asked for thier "Co-operation in making sure i left these nuiscances and distractions at home" so my mum made me leave them at home :blink: i always snuck one out with me though, and ended up completing year 12 twice and passing both times. Tamas dont cause distractions if you look after them properly!!

I take my Mothra tamagotchi to school never got in trouble I think you should check it for 40 minutes. Never got in trouble.

I almost got caught in 5th grade... I was in English when someone in my homeroom's Tamagotchi beeped. The teacher believed it was either me, my best friend, or one other girl. She told us to go through our backpacks. I didn't have mine, nor did my best friend. It was the other girl. Her Tamagotchi got confiscated (sp?), which means they took it away for the rest of the day.

Geeze u gys need 2 get of our case we r alowed 2 play with them when ever we want so push off OK?!?!?!?!

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