Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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well I'm at the very back of the class. so sometimes while at silent mode I secretly play with it while the teachers not looking.and I still get pretty good grades :D (hope this is not spam)

TeeHee I just LURVVV playing with my little V3 under my desk!! :eek: I never put her on pause, but I do keep her on silance. I've never gotten caught, and I never get bored. (Which happens ALOT in science) :eek: You little people are nerds thinking school is better than tamas! we don't even need trigonometry!! :hitodetchi:

Cheers!! :D

TeeHee I just LURVVV playing with my little V3 under my desk!! :eek: I never put her on pause, but I do keep her on silance. I've never gotten caught, and I never get bored. (Which happens ALOT in science) :eek: You little people are nerds thinking school is better than tamas! we don't even need trigonometry!! :hitodetchi:

Cheers!! :D
ummmmmmmmmmmmmm , well axualy we are right that education is more important than tamas cause your entire life revolves around how welly educated you are . it effects what house you live in , what job you get , what you can afford , how your living , what you eat and how much is a meal. it effects your life. a million people have called the people who believe that education effects your entire life have been called nerds , and thats completely false! i know education isnt everything , but count! ya , pretty close!

Dont bring your tama to school.

I bring mine one the car ride to school.

The number 1 thing you dont do is bring it to school because the teacher could take it away and if it beeps the teacher might be anoyedvand throw it away.


Dont bring your tama to school.

I bring mine one the car ride to school.

The number 1 thing you dont do is bring it to school because the teacher could take it away and if it beeps the teacher might be anoyedvand throw it away.


It is completly your own choice when it comes to Bring Tamagotchis to school. I just keep mine in my Trapper at school w/ the sound off.


You probably shouldn't play with your tama in class. But who am I to talk...I'm in class right now at my college on TamaTalk :furawatchi: hah

But why should you have your tamagotchi in class? ;) .You are at school to learnand get a good education that will help later in life.Do not play with your tamagotchi in

class it is going to be taken away by whoever is teaching you.Do not play with

your tamagotchi in class here are risks:


1.You will have it taken away.

2.If it gets taken at the beginging of the day it will die by 4 hours

3.You will not get a good education.

4.You will be embarssed if you get it taken in-frount of class.



Its for your own good,Do not play with it or

suffer the consurqwensers. :D



Best of luck:

:furawatchi: Young Robot :lol:
The sad truth, but well said. A message most people around the world seem to be missing...

I don' bring mine to school because theres PLENTY of people around that might just...."slip"...their hand into your pocket/bag and "borrow" it.

Plus if you have it in your bag and your drink leaks... :)

But then again, organising small tamagotchi meetings with your friends is fun and can result in your tamagotchi finding a partner :D


I bring my tama to school every day and I turn the sound off and I am smart I get all A's so back off If you acctully like tami's you whould bring yours to school! And I got introuble and i still brought it the next day!!

Love m gal :) :D :D

^_^ I play with mine in class sometimes when I am finished work or the teacher is doin' boring stuff. I have an A average. It's not that bad, m'kay? ;)
well , tamas in my school are a [SIZE=21pt]HUGE[/SIZE]hit! every1 wants 1 , only 5 people have 1! well , only i do now cause all the fourth graders at my school left and they had tamas.every1 is always sarounding you when you take out your tama , and every1 wants it! they could steal it from you and they could kill it! thats just my school. and the teachers yell at ya alot!

You guys are basically nurds take risks play with your TAMA! :( :blink:
You mean "Nerds" and Education is important..."Tamagotchi Guru" will most likely NOT get you into an Ivy League school. BUT! If you have the sound off and discreetly check on it every once in a while that's fine. I plan to pause mine in class and then take care of it between classes and during lunch...^^ since pausing will keep it from dying and keep it silent..>^^;

Hello,I bring my tama to school every day and I turn the sound off and I am smart I get all A's so back off If you acctully like tami's you whould bring yours to school! And I got introuble and i still brought it the next day!!

Love m gal :blink: :gozarutchi: :(
It's not about liking or disliking. I care about my Tama and so I don't want to risk losing it because I know if I got caught in chem with it beeping away I'd get in big trouble. My teacher may not mind if I had all of my work done, but still, if you REALLY love your tama, you'll play it safe about bringing it to school. It got so bad when the first tamas came out when I was in elementary school that they were BANNED. ^^;

Exactamundo. A teacher from last year, Mrs. Nunn, all she did was talk about Texas back in her day which was like an eternity ago in her little southern accent and omgsshhhh its so boring. And yeah. EXACTLY.
I can agree with you, if you love your tama, you'll play it safe no matter where you are, unless it's home...^^;

don't thats stupid you will get in trouble big time believe me i know my friend jessie

took her tama to skool and it died don't do it it's not right give it to your mum or dad to take it to work then get it of them after skool it works :( :blink: :gozarutchi:

don't thats stupid you will get in trouble big time believe me i know my friend jessietook her tama to skool and it died don't do it it's not right give it to your mum or dad to take it to work then get it of them after skool it works ^_^ :p ^_^
see!youve got my point! if you really love your tama , should you risk its life?it could get stolen , or taken away!tam3000 has got my point , a point , the point.

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