Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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I just turn sound off, and then check on them every hour, or if the teacher is out/calling attendance/letting us talk, and of course during luch and reccess. Well, my young Mametchi (trying to get to Mametchi) I check on ever 15 mins, but that's okay, because you know, teachers passing out papers, etc. so basically, I just do it responsibly.

I still get good grades and know what's going on.

Also, my Graphic Desing (art) teacher let's us play with our tamas. I had a friend who was baby-sitting somebody else's tama, and she would have it sound ON in her hand the entire class, and the teacher didn't care. In fact, for something I made, I actually showed her my tamas. During class! She never said a word about me not supposed to play with them then. :eek:

WHO CARES ABOUT SCHOOL ANYWAYS? Its not the end of the world if you play bump well the english teachers blabbing on.

We are allowed to have them in class as long as the sound is off. And I'm in Middle School(won't say grade- safety first!)


I'd just like to say that I highly, highly doubt playing with a virtual pet is going to force us into a job like a janitor.

ughhh. This just bugs me. School is NOT the center of the universe. Live a little, will you?


I play with mine alllll the time, and I keep a b+ average, because just like mp3's and all that stuff, tamagotchi's in class have nothing to do with grades.

I don't know what grades or countries(because some have stricter school systems) you guys live in, but serisously. no one should take it that seriously.(I'm in 12th and I live in Canada.)

no harm meant :)

Everyone knows tamas are more important than school! Lol, sorry. But DON'T bring your tama to school. Once I was playing with my tama at math and I stuffed it in my desk just in time. We had a super mean teacher, he had already caught two tamas, and he said if he ever saw one again, he would THROW IT AWAY! Lucky I never got caught. Just keep them on pause while your at school. Oh, poor little things. On pause for 7 hours. :D :D

no offense but ru paying attention.. i dunno if it was a mistake or idk but u speeled something wrong... i forgot what.. o yea i get straight A's and I ALWAYS play wiht my tama in class

But why should you have your tamagotchi in class? :kuribotchi: .You are at school to learnand get a good education that will help later in life.Do not play with your tamagotchi in

class it is going to be taken away by whoever is teaching you.Do not play with

your tamagotchi in class here are risks:


1.You will have it taken away.

2.If it gets taken at the beginging of the day it will die by 4 hours

3.You will not get a good education.

4.You will be embarssed if you get it taken in-frount of class.



Its for your own good,Do not play with it or

suffer the consurqwensers. :furawatchi:



Best of luck:

-_- Young Robot :D
LOL! Cool down, I play with my tamagotchi in EVERY LESSON and I am a top student in EVERY subject. I play with it even in big exams that count for like HALF OUR GRADE, OK. So I think you should relax. Playing with a pet will not destroy your future.

It gets better as you get older. I'm a freshman in high school, and as long as I keep the sound off, my teachers let me play with it.

I bring mine to school,but I just leave it in my backpack with sound off.

My Teacher doesn't let us play with it.Only when she needs our Tama's(she asks people if they have a watch and all the Tama owners press b and show it to her)and we can only play with it at Recess,but I always make sure to put teh sound off(it wastes battery)sometimes I play with it in the Bathroom or when the reading session is on(I hide the Tama with my book)Tama's are fun,but you still do need to focus on your education.Tama's are fun!!


i brot mine 2 scool in 3rd grad , but i wont bring it in 4rth , my teacher wuld get mad......like this> :D .im goin 2 put it on pause and hook it on my bag :puroperatchi: .my techer is very strict . she yelled @ me 4 playing with it . i mite just let my mom (not sis , she kills tamas(not onpurpose) & shes goin 2 scool) sit it cause she always does and gets me points! :angry:
im in 3 an my teecher say no! bu i keep it i me bapack pla w/ it on wa home & 2 skool.

Me and all of my friends used to bring our tamas to school every day in 5th grade.

But then one day we were at recess, and my two friends got in a fight, and one got so mad, that she went and told my teacher about all of the tamas. We all got them taken away and our parents had to come get them. :angry:

I dont play with it during class but I leave it on, put it around my neck with the sound off.I check it every 30 min. My teacher dosent mind that I keep it around my neck(I dont think she even notices.) Putting your tama in your backpack can be dangerous.The stuff in you backpack can mess with the buttons and the sound can accedentaly turn on so becareful!!!!!!!!!!!

If u don't thik edu. is import. then u r probably failing. You're probably gonna have a crapy job working at McDonnalds because u couldn't get hired to work as an oceanoligist or something sucsessful like that!! I pitty you! :blink:

I always take my tamagotchi to school but i always turn th sound off. Once in a while i check on it and feed it. But if I'm bored and someone is makeing a speech or something i play games with it! :blink:

:Well i'm like the smartest kid ^_^ in my class plus I have my tamagotchi on a lanyard around my neck. I check on it every 20 minutes, and I only feed it.

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