Why play with your Tamagotchi in class.


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My v2 was stolen once... :huh: by the teacher! she put it in the "EVIL DESK OF NO RETURN!" (you can buy an "EVIL DESK OF NO REUTRN" at WalMart) she never gave it back.... im sad.... *lover lip quivers* :huh: :D :huh: :huh: :huh: ;)

But why should you have your tamagotchi in class? :ph34r: .You are at school to learnand get a good education that will help later in life.Do not play with your tamagotchi in

class it in class here are risks:


1.You will have it taken away.

2.If it gets taken at the beginging of the day it will die by 4 hours

3.You will not get a good education.

4.You will be embarssed if you get it taken in-frount of class.



Its for your own good,Do not play with it or

suffer the consurqwensers. :angry:



Best of luck:

:wacko: Young Robot :wacko:
Here are some tips if you DO take in class.

1. Turn sound off

2. Key ring it to your belt loop

3. NEVER play with it unless it is in need.

4. Never play with it while the teacher is talking

hope i helped. Yes you can bring it to school, just be careful. I bring mine and i get all a's and b's on my report card. JUst take care of it when neccesary.

I bring my tamagotchi to school all of the time and play with it when I have free time, and I never get caught. My teacher doesn't even care! :)

[SIZE=14pt] it is important to fill in all happy/hungry hearts before you put it away and it is very important 2 put sound OFF or else it will be taken away.[/SIZE]


TIP! If it will not stop ringing due to battery freezing sound, burry it under many objects. Trust me! my principal walked by my locker and he didn't notice a thing!

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Mr. Feldgus tells me to put them away when i'm getting back from resess n i'm not touching e'm and I'm putting them in my locker. Waddup with that!?

Mm, I bring mine to school all the time and I'm fine. Though, I do put in on pause alot when there is something important to do. My tama usually doesn't need too much care during a class, so I'm fine. Most of my teachers don't even care, they just laugh and either ask me about it or ignore it. But yet again, I am in high school, theres a difference lol, so I wouldn't reccomend it.

And of course I only feed it in class, when the happy meter goes down I just pause it until I have time to play a game.

:puroperatchi: well i play my tamagotchi while in class and when i do it in spelling and the teacher is saying the words out i play my tama and in the sight of ppl and they dont care which is awesome! :gozarutchi:
Oh my god u dont take your tama 2 skl education is more imprortent bla bla yer talking a load of crap u put off the sound look at it every 5 mins play with if u need do u think u would get yer work wrong. yer all weird, the people tht bring theres 2 skl and agree with me gd on u, thts what a say 2 them reply 2 if u agree with me.Am star a the class for 2 weeks straight so yer talking a load a crap)and i bring mine tae skl everyday.

Victoria ,




I keep my tama in my backpack. At recess I will take it outside with me and fix any problems it has!! :D

Shut up queenie victoria yer gay!I sent a reply yesterday i hope someone read it coz its not here anymore y is it not there does anyone know and has anyone read my relpy from yesterday.And Ssharada there not BAND!

I take mine 2 skl everyday never have been caught well i have everyday but then the teacher never says anything and walks away she doesnrt mind and most of the time i wear it round my neck.education u people u people yer talking a load of C.R.A.P crap so shhhhhhh dont post anything else about skl. :wacko: :wacko:

A good education can have a huge impact on your life. I used to bring mine to school, I got horrible grades, rarely ever an A. Now I rarely ever get a B or lower. Leaving it in your backpack and playing wiht it at lunch break is fine, but in class it's bad. Sorry to be a bit long, I'll stop rambling on now, but educaton is more important, and you can't say people are nerds for caring more about it than a virtual pet. :mimitchi: :(

i play with mine during school. im homeroom if there nothing going on. and in study hall when i finish my homwork. my study hall teacher doesnt care as long as the sound is off :( :( :( :lol: :mimitchi: and some during lunch but during class its on pause

oh and im a a/b student =]]

i play with mine 24/7 its your responsibility you know its like my life to play with my tamas!!! and plus all my teachers love em :blink: youre a nerd if you dont bring them to schoolie!

i would not play with my tama at school, school is not just a silly thing its for your life to get a job if u just play with your tama in school all the time your gonna end up with no job when your older

i keep my tama on and cheak on it durin receses and the bathroom.I dont bring it to D.I.T or P.E thoes theachers r strict and i get scared but my main teacher us nice and wolcn't get to mad... i think shh even seen me one time.

I always bring my Tamagotchi to school. I never have to worry about turning the sound off, 'cause I always feed it heaps and play with it heaps during recess. My lessons are only 50 minutes, and there are two lessons between each recess, so that's 100 minutes - an hour and 40 minutes. It's not long at all.

I tested my Tamagotchi yesterday; instead of playing with it 24hrs a day, I actually left it. I'd played with it so much the day before and fed it and everything before it went to bed. It was five hours before one hunger heart went down! At the moment, my Tamagotchi is an adult, and it's training points are at full; so it won't beep at me for no reason. I let it be itself, I never pause it or turn the sound off during class, I just play with it at recess.

I'm doing end of year exams at the moment. But I needn't turn the sound off or put it on pause, 'cause it's such a patient little thing, it knows I'll play with it later when I'm finished. I love my Tamagotchi.

And guess what, I'm a nerd too! I play with my Tamagotchi as if it's a real, living thing! I love it to bits! You should see the topic I made about how cute Teletchi is, and how sweet it is to see Teletchi walking along with its parent before the parent leaves their Teletchi to me. I really love my Tamagotchi, as though it's my own son/daughter, it's my best friend at the moment 'cause I'm having troubles with my real friends. I'm really attached to my Tamagotchi, now more than ever before.

So don't diss people who love their Tamagotchies! That's why they're on TamaTalk - 'cause they love their Tamas! Am I right, Tama-lovers? ^_^

Sorry for rambling. :wub:

*edit: typo and link*

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i always take mine to school,but before i get there i turn the sound off and make him sleep for the rest of the day. she stays in my pocket :wub: ^_^ :(

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