Winnie the Pooh or Harry Potter?


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In theatres, I would most likely go to see Winnie the Pooh first, simply because I've only just become a fan of the Harry Potter series and I want to finish the books first before watching the movies, and I've only seen about half of the first movie because my friend stopped it -_- I am dying to see Winnie the Pooh because I adored him as a child and I am so happy to see these hand-drawn cartoons back because I hated when they made all these new versions. I don't care if people think it is for little children, I love it. I'm a child at heart, lol.

I got Harry Potter midnight showing tickets.


BUT I also want to see Winnie the Pooh. Seriously, that was my life before Harry Potter. I'm 18, and I STILL love to watch Winnie the Pooh. :)

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Harry potter (in my opinion) is better than weird old pooh. besides, winnie the pooh has gotten bad over the years.

Harry potter (in my opinion) is better than weird old pooh. besides, winnie the pooh has gotten bad over the years.
Yes, I do think that Winnie the Pooh's reputation has gotten bad over the years. Face it, all disney classics have been getting ruined due to Disney Channel or any of those other crappy disney shows, but it's still nice to visit your past self and remember how much you use to love Winnie the Pooh (Well, if you did.) and welcome him back from the old days.

Harry Potter is more directed to adult viewers from my point of view. They wanna see what will happen with Harry and Voldemort. Will they die or not? Will Harry have to say goodbye to his friends? etc. I know a few young viewers would like to see it more than Winnie the Pooh since they think "It's for babies.", and since it's the last Harry Potter, so that's pretty intense....

(My opinion is still on Winnie the Pooh, but Im gonna see the Harry Potter movie after I see part 1)

Winnie the Pooh! Urrg! I am SO over the Super-Slueths though... I will watch that but its not what I grew up with. The 90's....theme Pooh Bear, Winnie the Pooh Bear... Its me and its you and silly ol' Winnie the Pooh... *Shootin' Star... etc... I've burn it into my head since I was 3 or 4... Who knows. Oh Christopher Robin''''! I missed him.

Ironically... I hated Harry Potter when it came out. Somehow it became a "required reading" for one of these stupid things at school. I read the whole book... I was like... Wow... I'm bored. Finish reading guys... I'm sick of this. They listened to a book on tape and I just read the stupid thing. It didn't take me long at all.

I like the movies better... But I think I've only managed to stare up to movie 4... The best line is the map where people are and they say " I sollemly swear I am up to no good" I couldn't stand it on abc family anymore. Other people wanted to watch it so I was outta luck to watch something else. BTW, Its yet another "potter full" weekend on abc family...all weekend. I think they will go up to 5 or 6... but sometimes they restart again. ...

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Ready? Maybe.... But I know all the potter heads (Full of Harry Potter for the next .... 48 hours atleast...) They are lining up for the show. The theatre is closed probably in 10minutes to prepare for Harry Potter... The places local are small so I figure they will be full of people dressed up for it.

I'm afraid Pooh might begin in the afternoon ToMo... not midnight... just because of our location is FULL of Potter heads... I would guess 2 or 3 rooms of Harry Potter Film.... Atleast in one theatre in particular here...

Ready? Maybe.... But I know all the potter heads (Full of Harry Potter for the next .... 48 hours atleast...) They are lining up for the show. The theatre is closed probably in 10minutes to prepare for Harry Potter... The places local are small so I figure they will be full of people dressed up for it.

I'm afraid Pooh might begin in the afternoon ToMo... not midnight... just because of our location is FULL of Potter heads... I would guess 2 or 3 rooms of Harry Potter Film.... Atleast in one theatre in particular here...
Hehe, my brother's going to see Harry Potter at midnight. I decided to see Winnie the Pooh tomorrow morning/afternoon coz I knew I was going to be TOO tired and probably fall asleep through the whole movie(If it was showing), but I was about to go, so thanks for the heads up! C:

No prob... But I just know how things get screwed up around here because of space... They will look at the time and go ... "Move that kids movie to when kids can actully SEE it, they are all sleeping.... The other {awake} people who want to see it at midnight can forget about it and see it in the morning"

I wouldn't say its a heads up though... maybe about Potter not being over.................. Rumor told to me by an adult who generlly doesn't follow the Potter-ness.... They do watch the news in frequent though.

Not a big fan of Harry Potter so I will be seeing Winnie the Poo!

You guys.

I saw Winnie the Pooh......




I LOVED it! The music parts were so nice and I even laughed at a few parts! xD

And best of all, I saw TEENS in the theater! TEEEENSSS!!!!! It was soooooooo epic!!!!!!!!

Soooooooo how did you guys like Harry Potter? I bet it was as AWESOME as Winnie the Pooh.(Even though my bro saw it at the premiere at 12 and didnt like it. xD)

There are still lovers here, but I'm sure if they saw it... They loved it too. People will always come back to the CLASSICS... Pooh is a Classic. I opened a musical card in a store yesterday in Pooh's honour yesterday. It featured Tigger doing his original "The Wonderful thing about Tiggers.... ETC" I let the card finish the poem and I was grinning. I probably wont see a movie anytime soon though............. I rarely see any movies in theatre.


Me and my friends are DYING to see it, as we love and adore the books and previous movies. I just wish I can watch it with them before I depart to Australia
I am going to watch it on Tuesday With my best friends.


One of my friends have seen it and said it was the best ever movie of the entire series. She also said it is not as good to watch if it is not in 3D. I am really looking forward to it. Someone in my class mentioned that Voldemort looked like he had a bad case of dandruff when he dies.


And there's a winnie the pooh movie?

It doesn't seem very popular here in New Zealand.

I MIGHT SEE HARRY POTTER TOMMOROW OR THE DAY AFTER THAT. :D :D :D Sorry for the smiley spam, i'm kinda excited here :)

I saw winnie the pooh already and it wasn't good in my opinion. Disney has gotten bad over the years :( I MISS THE OLD DISNEY! D: and i feel like there is going to be another winnie the pooh movie...because at the end it said *SPOILER WARNING* "And that was just the beggining..." i think thats what it said o_o in one of the Winnie the pooh trailers that i saw on they where spoofing harry potter and where it said what the tralier was about it said this "On July 15, Prepare for the final battle." :angry: Darn you disney making fun of Harry potter!

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I think I might have figured something out with just a preveiw. It hit me just so quickly... and I didn't read anything but the first book and watched up to 4.... Hummmm. But who knows if I'm right.... I'll find out when they play all the Harry Potter on ABC Family... Or whatever channel name it will be by then.....

Maybe I might actually rent them or barrow them from a friend.......... Corse... I'm sure all but the very last one has been put online somewhere by now.

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