..xXx.. My Tamagotchi Log ..xXx..


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Okay! Skeeter left me today! :furawatchi: He was formerly a dorotchi! Chester evolved into a togetchi and he is currently 6 years old! When Skeeter left me, I got a girl and named her May. She was a petitchi, then a tamatchi and now she is a Chamametchi, evolving this afternoon! :D


Maddy and Jack are adults. Maddy is a violetchi and Jack is furikotchi. I am trying to get Maddy married to a Sukatchi so that I can try and get a pure family. Oh yeah! I have made another account because something went weird on this one, I am TamaPunky, so I will be kind of continuing this log! :D

Okay, so May evolved into a Memetchi and she is 5 years old. Her band still hasn't passed auditions yet! :) In her band there is a Masktchi named Lisa and a Chantotchi named Veronica, Lisa plays the trumpet and Veronica plays the guitar. They are into Pop Music.


Maddy got married to a sukatchi and she had a pure family. I didn't have enough time to try and get their bonding up, so I got her to marry a Mametchi and she had 3 little eggs. I haven't named them yet, but here is what they are ; Sukuramochi, Mousetchi, Tororotchi.


Chester left me aswell, so I got a girl and I named her Lola and she is a hitodetchi and she should be evolving today! :) I will post when she evolves! :D
